The in vitro fertilization method can be summarized in 5 stages:
development of more than one egg in the woman with special drugs,
collection of mature eggs
p>fertilization of these eggs with the best sperm selected under laboratory conditions
obtaining embryos from fertilized eggs
It is the process of transferring the embryo into the uterus.
How does the process waiting for mothers after the In Vitro Fertilization decision work?
In Vitro Fertilization decision Afterwards, expectant mothers should first feel comfortable. Because this is a process of approximately 15-20 days and it is very important to stay away from negative concerns during this period. Of course, it is a difficult process.
First of all, there is a period of 10-12 days for the eggs to grow. During this period, daily injections are used. Following this period, there is a process of collecting the eggs, which is not very difficult since it is done under anesthesia. Finally, there is the process of transferring the acquired embryos. This stage is both simple and critical. The expectant mother needs to be very comfortable.
What should expectant mothers pay particular attention to in order to make the treatment positive?
The most important factors for the success of in vitro fertilization treatment are the age of the woman. , the condition of the sperm and the quality of the resulting embryo. However, these factors cannot be changed much anyway. However, during this period, it would be beneficial for the expectant mother to at least stay away from cigarettes and alcohol, take the necessary vitamins, eat naturally and pay some attention to herself. During this critical period, it will be beneficial to stay away from environmental stress, not to believe everything that is said, and to live a healthy and natural life.
What should sexual life be like during this period?
In the early stages of treatment We do not recommend restricting sexual life. However, there may be restrictions in the future, depending on the doctor's instructions. This restriction is purely for the success of the treatment.
Is there a state subsidy for the treatments?
The state supports in vitro fertilization treatment in centers that have an agreement with the Social Security Institution, if the prospective parents meet the necessary conditions. The first requirement is to have an agreement with the center where the treatment is given. For details of this support The relevant units of the centers should be contacted and the conditions should be learned.
Are There Things That Expectant Fathers Should Do During the Treatment Period?
One of the important stages in the treatment is the sperm collection stage. . Better results are obtained especially with quality sperm. We know that smoking has very negative contributions to sperm movements. In addition, it is necessary to stay away from behaviors that may have a negative effect on sperm, such as certain occupational exposures, drug use, alcohol consumption.
Are There Things to Consider After Embryo Transfer?
We recommend that the expectant mother get some rest after the transfer. However, this does not mean that the expectant mother isolates herself from the world and does not get out of bed for 12 days. The expectant mother can do her daily activities, but she needs to stay away from heavy exercise, jobs requiring intense physical strength, excessive caffeinated beverage and food consumption, and some medications or supplements not recommended by her doctor.
What are the Most Important Situations for In Vitro Fertilization Success? ?
The most important criteria can be briefly summarized as the age of the expectant mother, the condition of the sperm, and whether it is accompanied by any additional negativities (e.g. internal uterine problems, etc.). It should be particularly emphasized that fertility in women decreases, especially after the age of 36-37. After the age of forties, the chances of in vitro fertilization are also low. Of course, this should not mean 'absolutely not'. However, couples need to act quickly to have a child.
Are Babies Born Through In Vitro Fertilization Different from Other Babies?
We are talking about 4 million people so far. This is a pretty big number. We know that there is no big difference as a result of the analysis. At the same time, the intellectual capacities and school success of these children were determined in a similar way. In summary, there is no additional negative situation in those born through in vitro fertilization.
What kind of negativities await older expectant mothers?
The most important problem here is that the expectant mother's eggs are damaged. aging. So even if the eggs are good in number, there is a possibility that they may be genetically problematic. When these problematic eggs are fertilized with healthy sperm, they produce genetically defective embryos and therefore problems. Multiple pregnancies occur. The most well-known of these is Down Syndrome. This risk increases as the age of the mother increases.
What is Done in the Older Mother's Age After In Vitro Fertilization Treatment?
In in vitro fertilization treatment, the embryo obtained from the older woman is beautiful. If it appears, it may be genetically problematic. We cannot detect these problematic embryos by looking at them. However, we biopsy these embryos, send the special cells to the genetic laboratory and remove the problematic embryos. This process is called pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT). We select and transfer the embryo with healthy genetics. Thus, we eliminate the disadvantage of the age factor.
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