According to the World Health Organization, health is defined as 'a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being'.
People generally consult psychiatrists because of the shame and oppression (stigma) felt in society. They hesitate and avoid applying. For this reason, only 13% of patients can receive and sustain treatment. However, psychiatric diseases are treatable brain diseases.
Maybe; We may be hesitant to go to a psychiatrist for ourselves or our relatives because we think that we can only go to a doctor for behaviors that harm society.
Being sick enough to harm ourselves and society is among the last symptoms of mental illnesses and we may have forgotten that we need to get treatment to prevent this. .
Even though we think of the worst in diseases of any branch and go to the doctor to be protected, or we get worried and go to the doctor to get early
treatment, we cannot think about getting help for our mental issues, or we always postpone it...
However, stress We believe that even diseases that have simple solutions, such as depression, may continue for a long time and may harm physical health by affecting the immune and nervous systems; many physical diseases may lead to chronic pain, rheumatic diseases, skin diseases, high blood pressure, heart attack. We do not remember that stress must be reduced in order to prevent diabetes, asthma, stomach complaints, obesity, sexual problems and even cancer.
Additionally, people with chronic (permanent) diseases are told that 'these are all due to stress', they should definitely get psychiatric support. We must have heard of people giving advice to their friends saying it should be done. We have observed that being a relative of a chronic patient is not easy, both physically and psychologically, and that most of the time the caregiver is more depressed than the patient.
Mental illnesses, in addition to physical illnesses, cause deterioration in the ability to work and in interpersonal relationships. ; It can cause problems in areas such as family, friends and work, cause social and economic losses, and can cause more harm to the person and even his environment. Even though we have forgotten to take care of ourselves in the busy pace of life; Our body is showing us different
symptoms. He will definitely take you to the doctor. Just as those who use sugar pills during internal medicine are also waiting for someone who loses their foot due to diabetes, or just as it is not only people who have had a stroke that go to the neurology department, we need to normalize going to a psychiatrist, and we should not see this as a punishment, sanction
or luxury.
* Disruption of our sleep pattern, thoughts preventing us from falling asleep, waking up tired
* Loss of energy, difficulty in concentration, lack of attention, forgetfulness, deterioration in memory
* Frequent crying or laughing, anxiety, fears affecting our lives onset
*Changes in emotional state, mood changes
*School absences, inability to go to work
*Suicidal Thoughts
*Jealousy, cheating, etc. relationship problems
*Repeated behaviors, tics
*Depressed mood, changes in appetite and weight, introversion, decrease in self-care
*Job change, economic losses, debts
*Gambling, Addictions such as betting, alcohol, substances and the internet
*Sudden change in body image, excessive increase in self-care, acceleration in energy and thoughts
*Thoughts such as I am being followed, I am being watched, I am a special person, everyone is talking about me
*Increase or decrease in religious pursuits
*Negativities in friends, family and business life
*Violent behavior and anger problems
*Hearing voices or seeing images
It should not be forgotten that ; Only your
psychiatrist can tell you whether one or more of these symptoms is a disease. Going to a psychiatrist does not prevent you from getting counseling services; on the contrary, it may enable you to reach results more easily.
Most of the time, your counselors will be able to direct you to the necessary specialist and take medication. He/she will be able to provide
information about your treatment to your doctor when necessary by helping you
comply with your treatment.
Additionally, drug treatment is among the indispensable elements of recovery in mental illnesses and only your
doctor can provide this. We can prevent the harm that your disease will cause you with your medications and cooperate with your physician when necessary.
For this reason; will be able to carefully evaluate your consultancy process holistically, when necessary
� It is recommended that you plan with consultants who are experienced and have received the necessary training on mental illnesses, who can direct you to the relevant physician, improve your coping skills
and the people living with you, and ensure your social adaptation.
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