In cluster headache (Cluster type headache)disease, severe pain occurs unilaterally. These pains last approximately 30-90 minutes on average and recur once or several times a day for several weeks or months. In the eye on the side where the pain occurs; tear flow, eye redness (conjunctival hyperemia), nasal congestion (nasal congestion) occur. The patient is typically a middle-aged male. Such patients, unlike migraine patients who generally seek quiet and dark places during a crisis; they walk around on foot


In all laboratory tests and radiological examinations (Brain Tomography, Brain MRI, X-Ray, etc.) there is no There are no pathological findings, that is; All of them come out clean. In classical drug treatment, pain-relieving effects are tried to be achieved, but permanent clinical effects can never be achieved. A permanent treatment of this disease, which causes such a painful situation and negatively affects every aspect of the patient's social life, can only be achieved by activating the body's own drug system. It is done by insertion. Here is acupuncture; Because it treats the body with its own medicines (in other words, to make an analogy, it kills the bird of tea with a tea stone), it can cure cluster headache, as in most diseases, mostly permanently.

Cluster Since headache is a clinically chronic disease that tends to become chronic; As in the acupuncture treatment of every chronic disease, a 20-session treatment is applied. Session intervals are arranged at least 2 times a week. With acupuncture treatment that has no side effects, complete clinical recovery is achieved in an average of 80% of the cases. .In the remaining 20%; There is a visible decrease in the frequency and severity of attacks and the patient needs less medication than before. Even this 20% slice (although we do not consider the remaining patients in this slice as fully recovered) ),  is a very high success compared to drug treatments.

So, where does this success of acupuncture come from?..

The body's innate wonder It originates from the drug system. This is a wonderful and tremendous medicine. When you activate the system with acupuncture treatment; There is absolutely no need for any external medication, on the contrary; The current disease is cured permanently in a very effective and side-effectless way.

A patient who cannot make any progress with years of drug treatments and is floundering in a vicious circle; Could there be a better feeling than being treated by a good acupuncturist with academic and clinical experience and regaining full health with an 80% chance of permanent recovery?…

The patient not only recovers with acupuncture; He returns to his social life, work and family life.


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