The spring season, which is starting to make itself felt, makes most of us happy. However, for those with allergies, bees wandering around the colorful flowers in the spring can cause serious life-threatening problems.

Bee allergy can cause life-threatening allergic reactions such as allergic shock (anaphylactic shock)

strong>It may lead to the table. After a bee sting, reactions such as swelling and redness may develop on the arm due to the many chemicals contained in it, while allergic reactions such as itching, dizziness, shortness of breath and fainting may develop in the body depending on some allergens they contain.

The risk of serious widespread reactions due to bee sting in our country is %. It was found to be 2.2. Some of them result in death due to bee allergy.

Bees are generally divided into honey bees and wild bees. While a honey bee's stinger remains where it stings, other wild bees do not have a sting left where they sting. Separating the bees in this way is important in the treatment of bee allergy.

Bee allergy is an allergy that can be treated by allergists. Therefore, it should definitely be seen and evaluated by allergists.


With the spring months, there is an increase in bee allergies as well as pollen allergies. is the subject. Complaints related to bee stings are more common, especially in the spring months when bees roam around.

Many people living in cities may not have intense contact with bees. If they do not practice beekeeping, we may encounter bees more often in rural areas, perhaps once every 10-15 years. We can be stung by wasps. Allergic sensitivity due to wasp sting requires several stings to occur, and sometimes it can occur after a single sting.

On the other hand, bee allergy is mostly seen in people who are frequently stung by bees. Almost most of the patients who are allergic to bees come from beekeepers or their families, and sometimes it can occur in close neighbors.

What are the symptoms of a bee sting?

  • Pain.
  • Redness
  • Swelling (in the area where it was stung and sometimes in the entire area e )
  • Burning
  • Urticaria (Hives) and Angioedema
  • Itching
  • Allergic shock (Anaphylaxis)

Apart from these, serum sickness, neuropathy, encephalitis, glomerulonephritis, myocarditis, and guillain barre syndrome may be seen much more rarely.

Symptoms caused by bee allergy stings are usually local (regional)or systemic.

Due to a bee sting, intense pain, redness and often swelling in a small area (up to 1-2 cm diameter)can be seen. Due to local reactions, edema occurs at the sting site. Such swellings appear within a few hours and gradually vary in size, sometimes affecting a hand or the entire arm. Sometimes, a bubble-like swelling may occur at the insertion site, and then infection may develop in this area. Unless the airway is affected by the sting from the head and neck area, such swellings are not life-threatening.

Common systemic reactions due to bee stings also develop outside the area where the bee stings. The severity of systemic reactions varies greatly. Early symptoms include rash and itching, followed by urticaria and angioedema. Patients who develop more severe systemic reactions experience symptoms that can be fatal. Along with the feeling of fainting, complaints of laryngeal edema and shortness of breath due to asthma often occur. Apart from this, in severe reactions, hypotension causing dizziness, fainting or loss of consciousness is observed. Additionally, abdominal pain, urinary incontinence, chest pain or visual disturbances may occur.

The clinical picture varies from person to person. In some patients, symptoms such as rash, urticaria and angioedema that occur after a bee sting may begin suddenly and unfortunately cause loss of consciousness within a few minutes. In some patients, systemic reactions may begin 10 minutes after the sting and may be time for the patient to go to the emergency room.

What should we do when stung by a bee?

Reactions due to a bee sting. It can be seen as swelling and redness in the arm, and sometimes shortness of breath may occur. It can also be seen as a picture of allergic shock that causes dizziness and fainting.

One of the most important points for treatment after a bee sting is to determine the type of bee. The distinction between honey bee and wild bee is very important.

When stung by a bee, most people do not remember the bee. When a honey bee stings, it leaves its stinger along with its poison sac in the skin and then dies. Therefore, if the bee has a sac where it stung, it indicates that it was stung by a honey bee. Since it will take 2-3 minutes for the poison in the venom sac to be completely emptied, the venom sac should be removed from the skin and the needle removed as soon as possible. It would be more appropriate to remove the needle by scraping it from the side with a fingernail. It is necessary to be careful as removing the poison sac by pressing from the sides will cause more poison to enter.

If the bee does not have a sac in the place where it stung, it was probably stung by a wild bee. Bees, wasps and wasps can sting many times because they do not lose their stingers.

When stung by bees, clean the stung area with clean water and cold water instead of applying some things (such as mud, soil and onions). It would be appropriate to apply compress. If necessary, it is recommended to use local anesthetic cream, antihistamine tablets, painkillers tablets for local reactions, to reduce pain and itching, and if necessary, antibiotics may be given if infection occurs later.

If systemic reactions develop, they may vary from mild to life-threatening. . It is recommended that the patient use an epipen (adrenaline autoinjector) if he carries it with him.

Bee allergy is an allergy that can be treated by allergists. Therefore, it should be seen and evaluated by allergists.


The spring season, which is starting to make itself felt, makes most of us happy. However, for those with allergies, bees wandering around colorful flowers in the spring can cause serious life-threatening problems.

Symptoms caused by bee allergy stings are usually local or systemic. It appears as.

Bee allergy, especially before It can also lead to more serious conditions such as anaphylaxis in those with other allergic diseases such as allergic rhinitis, asthma and eczema.

If complaints such as urticaria angioedema, shortness of breath, dizziness and fainting occur due to a bee sting, you should definitely see an allergist.

Bee allergy is an allergy that can be treated by allergists. Therefore, it should be seen and evaluated by allergists.

What should patients with bee allergy do before going to the doctor?

One of the most important points for treatment after a bee sting. is to determine the type of bee. The distinction between honey bees and wild bees is very important. Knowing which bee the patient was stung by will be a guide for diagnosis and treatment.

Before going to the allergist, some medications such as antihistamines, antidepressants, cough medicines and some painkillers should be stopped 1 week before.

Testing of patients who experience anaphylactic shock after a bee sting can be done at least 6 weeks later. Tests performed more than 6 weeks ago do not give accurate results.

Major local reactions and systemic reactions due to bee allergy must be evaluated by allergists as they may be a sign of anaphylactic shock in the future.


In order to diagnose bee allergy, it is necessary to take a good anamnesis explaining which complaints of the patient occurred after the bee sting and how long it took.

The patient who was stung by a bee It is necessary to confirm which bee caused the complaints by using allergy skin tests and blood tests. If the patient is considering starting vaccine treatment for bees, it is extremely important to perform skin tests. Since bee allergens are used in allergy skin tests, skin prick tests and intradermal skin tests can be extremely risky. Therefore, allergy skin tests must be performed by allergists.

Alternatively, bee-specificIgEantibodies specific to bees can be measured in the blood. Allergy tests performed on blood are less likely to make a diagnosis.

Bee allergy is an allergy that can be treated by allergists. Therefore, it must be checked by allergists. It needs to be examined and diagnosed correctly.


The spring season, which is starting to make itself felt, makes most of us happy. However, for those with allergies, bees wandering around colorful flowers in the spring can cause serious life-threatening problems.

Treatment of bee allergy consists of 3 steps

Treatment of bee allergy consists of 3 steps, including precautions against bees, treatment to eliminate urgent complaints, and vaccine treatment.

How can we take precautions against bees?

Honeybees are generally not aggressive. Honey bees do not sting, especially if they are not provoked, so it is necessary to avoid things that will attract honey bees to us.

Wild bees are more aggressive, and since they can be found on many foods when we are in the same environment, some precautions we will take will help us stay away from bees.

Some precautions against bees

  • Do not walk barefoot on grass or places where bees feed.
  • Do not drink from open beverage cans. Bees can get into boxes and sting when squeezed.
  • Keep food covered when eating out.
  • Do not use sweet-smelling perfume, hair spray or deodorant.
  • Floral patterned, bright Avoid wearing colorful clothing.
  • Wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts, socks, shoes and work gloves when working outside.
  • Be cautious near bushes, eaves and attics, and avoid garbage containers and picnic areas. Be careful around the areas.
  • Be careful about bee nests and never intervene, get professional support.
  • What are the drug treatments for bee allergy?

    In cases of bee allergy, if a honey bee stings, its sting should be carefully removed.

    Local mild skin itching, redness and 1-2 cm swelling usually do not require treatment.

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