What are the Symptoms of Spinal Displacement?

The spine has a unique, curved shape. Vertebrae may slip outward due to trauma, deformation or congenital anomalies.

As a result of this slippage, a problem called spinal slippage or 'listhesis' occurs. In planning the treatment of vertebral slips, the degree of slip is taken into consideration. The degree of vertebral shift is determined by a method called Meyerding classification.

Grade 1 when the slip is less than 25%, degree 2 when it is between 25% and 50%, degree 3 when it is between 51% and 75%, and degree 4 when it is more than 75%. It is classified as.


Symptoms of Spinal Dislocation


A hernia does not usually occur as a result of spinal displacement. For this reason, symptoms of a herniated disc should not be considered as spinal slip. The biggest problem in diagnosing spinal slip is that the false hernia image that occurs as a result of the slip causes the diagnosis as a herniated disc in MRI results.


With spinal displacement, symptoms of stenosis, nerve compression or herniated disc may occur. Symptoms such as loss of strength in the legs or arms, increasing pain during long walks, urinary incontinence, and impotence in men may indicate spinal misalignment.


In addition to the symptoms of spinal misalignment being similar to stenosis, treatment methods for stenosis are also used in the treatment of this problem.


Spinal Dislocation Treatment 


The definitive treatment for spinal misalignment is surgical intervention. Before deciding on surgical intervention, different techniques such as medication, injection or physical therapy may be tried depending on the severity of the slip. What is important in this process is that the symptoms caused by the slip do not aggravate and the person's movements are not restricted.


A person's walking distance may be a determining factor in the treatment of spinal misalignment. If the person cannot walk more than 500 meters without taking a break, surgical intervention is required to eliminate the risk of permanent loss of mobility.


What Causes Spinal Sliding?


There are many different reasons for slippage in the spine. This problem is more common in women than in men. Fractures in the joints between the vertebrae as a result of trauma may cause slippage.


Problems in embryo development, tumors in the spine weakening the connection between the vertebrae, congenital weakness of the sacrum and the lowest lumbar vertebra, deformation of the region over time due to aging, cause spinal slippage. it could be.


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