Family therapy differs from group and individual counseling depending on the situation of the client. For example; Individual
counseling generally focuses on clients' personal problems and their solutions, that is, the individuals' internal
dynamics (intrapersonal). focuses. Group counseling, on the other hand, is a process where more than one individual comes together and there are more interpersonal relationships. has. In addition, group
members enter into consultation with their common problems. On the other hand, family therapy focuses on the whole life system to make changes
and aims to change the structure of the family and affects the whole
family. In other words, the approaches used in family therapy are; It focuses on both the internal dynamics of the individual and
interpersonal relationships and systems. Family therapy is also influenced by the productivity and innovation of mental health professionals who provide new ways and methods. Family therapy provides the therapist with a wide range of action, allowing him to find original ways to identify problems.

Although some family therapy theories are similar, many are different.

One of the reasons for family therapy is is the belief that the family lies at the root of increasing difficulties in life
. Therefore, family members are interrelated and the situations of family members may affect other family members
and the whole family positively or negatively.

Therapeutically, the effectiveness of working with families in treatment has been proven. Research shows that various family therapy
models/approaches are as effective as other forms of psychotherapy.
Research conducted among clients also shows that clients are very satisfied with the services they receive from
marriage and family therapists and that family therapy is as effective as other forms of psychotherapy. They state that its use is also effective in the treatment of disorders such as alcoholism. In other words, clients are getting the
help they were hoping for. However, family therapy is not sufficient or effective in the treatment of severe and chronic mental disorders such as bipolar disorder.


Advantages of family therapy moment one; By working with the family, it becomes easier for the therapist to see cause-effect relationships and problems from a broader perspective and see all the confusion.

Family therapy involves the important people in the client's life into the process. The therapist works directly with people who are involved in the problem and share the problem.

In family therapy, a single message can be shared with the whole family at the same time. The purpose of doing this is; is to ensure that family
members work together on this problem. In addition, family therapy aims to ensure open communication within the family by revealing
confidential information in the family.

An important advantage of family therapy is that it fulfills its purpose
more effectively and in a shorter time than individual psychological counseling. In the reports of family therapists, it has been observed that they only work with a family for a few sessions.

In family therapy, some approaches have been determined to be effective depending on the situation. When we look at most research
we see that family therapy shows changes involving all families and family members. It can be said that other therapists are not assertive on this issue.


Professional issues in family therapy are mostly related to ethics, law and identity. In the
process of helping the family, there is a connection
between considering professional issues and choosing the treatment procedure. Ethical and legal factors underlie therapeutic interpretations. However, professional issues
attract less attention than therapeutic issues. Because professional issues are more fundamental. Professional
topics are discussed more mechanically and are less engaging than things that are relevant to what we
find interesting in treatment. Ethical guidelines, legal standards, and corporate ordinances are essentially prose and are not attractive and clear to read. So far, these codes, guides, associations have formed the heart
of professional family therapy. The criticality of family therapy around these issues is well understood by the public and clinicians.

Family therapists must be vigilant in their knowledge and pursuit of legal, ethical, and professional identity issues. If they don't, the result is goodwill. However, there may be harmful clinical or personal actions. Family is a system, so family therapy is in the field of this system. To remain healthy as family therapists,
they and their colleagues must adhere to appropriate practices and legal and ethical codes
for high standards. They have strong credentials as family therapists. They must have membership in institutions that enrich and nurture them professionally. For the sake of colleagues and for themselves, family
therapists can deal with professional issues.


Human experiences are moral enterprises. Ethical principles are moral principles that determine the realization of the rights of individuals and families. Families and society are governed by relationship ethics
. There are two basic principles underlying this ethics;

Equitability is the suggestion that "everyone tries to gain their rights fairly from a multicultural perspective."
Caring or The idea that moral development and principles are central to
social relationships and solidarity.
Family therapy first developed in an atmosphere where practitioners believed that theories and practices were unworthy of
inclusion of families. The resulting state of neutrality meant that
the ethical principle of working with families was rarely discussed by family therapists on formal or informal grounds until the mid-1960s. Later feminist critics of family therapy shook the field on values ​​and ethics, especially with regard to responsibilities for family
violence. Practitioners have come to understand that every situation involving certain
natures is about values, that is, therapeutic decisions
are not and cannot be ethically neutral.

Known values ​​and ethics are about supporting the main idea. .(????) There is still much uncertainty about ethical decision
making when doing family therapy. Because making ethical decisions is not easy. Whenever the therapist
confronts an ethical dilemma, he or she usually has “2 or more
good reasons to make 2 or more rational decisions.” If these dilemmas are mixed In short, if clinicians are completely confident, they are making a big mistake by carelessly
in the path they choose.

Despite historical conflicts and current reality, the field of ethics; It is a fundamental part of the framework of family therapy.
This must be carefully considered as there is an inherent ethical dimension in all forms of therapy. To complicate matters
further, family therapists confront the possible ethical conflicts of therapists of all kinds.
For example, in family therapy, the relationship between family members is often a consideration for the client. Of course,
there is more than one person in the relationship, and to progress in therapy, the therapist must provide informed consent to individuals, some of whom
have conflicting emotions and behaviors and distinct needs, unlike the majority.

Family therapists who are ethical and effective must be aware of values ​​within theories when serving families.
Family therapists must know current ethical codes to be professional and must actively engage in making recommendations by reviewing the codes in the process. Clinicians must be thoughtful and flexible
when doing this.


Recognizing and understanding values ​​are at the core of ethical decision making. A value is “a sequence of choices ordered from most to least preferred.” There are basically 4 value areas and each
influences each other. These; family, personal, political/social and highest. Family therapy is considered to be a collection of various values ​​that are known to be theoretically and clinically professional. They become aware. Therapists must first examine their own values. The therapist's age, marital
status, gender, ethical origin, religion, social and cultural structure, etc. It affects the therapist's values. For example; A young,
single, Catholic, Latino male family therapist may see two adults who come from a wealthy background and have different values
from an older, divorced Native American family who spent most of their lives poor.

Personal. uncovering values ​​and understanding ethical decision making One way is the ethical genogram.
This type of genogram focuses on how to pay attention to the origins of family members in order to make difficult ethical decisions
. A therapist's parents may have been lax, or they may have been rigid
in their interpretation of right and wrong behavior. Such situations may play a role, for better or worse, in the therapist's current ethical decision
. Family therapists will be better suited to work more effectively and ethically with families if they are aware of their own values, how they come to them, and how their values
are different and similar to others.

Then, the therapist, It looks at the values ​​of the client-families. Research shows that there is diversity in family values ​​- especially across
cultures. In families, members' personal, political and social values
influence various aspects. The values ​​inherited from the family also have an impact on families. When
working with families, their values ​​should be tested from a systemic perspective, that is, how the values ​​of family members
affect the family as a whole. Such a perspective confuses the issue of values;
but at the same time it puts values ​​in a realistic framework and turns their functioning into a dynamic enterprise
. If therapists and their client-families have different values ​​in terms of the core values ​​they defend, there may be a need for discussion between them or someone who takes their place.

Finally, therapists use theory and theory when explaining values. They engage with processes and accept their results. In this last area, the ethical issues of family therapies relate to the values ​​that should be preserved, emphasized, reinforced, and changed in the family.

Some family therapists make helping families erase their symptoms at the center of their treatment. Others
focus on creating a new structure or boundary. Others aim to help individuals differentiate from their family roots

or create new solutions.

Ignorant practitioners (therapists) try to deny the nature and even importance of values. Others

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