Authoritarian Oppressive Parenting Attitude

What are the consequences of persuading a child by frightening him/her?

Every family and every culture has its own style of raising children. In particular, while some families' relationships with their children are strict and authority-based, some families' relationships with their children tend to be more flexible, open and healthy communication. In families with healthy communication, the child has more trust in the family and, in parallel, the child has more trust in himself. In families with a strict attitude, punishing the child is at the forefront, and praise and appreciation behavior towards the child is rarely shown.

So, how is the child affected in families where negative communication predominates?

Especially in families where fear and anxiety predominate, the message to be given to the child first starts from the facial expression. Huge eyes opened with tense facial features: "If you do this, I won't love you.", "I'll tell your father about you.", "Look, the police are coming.", "I'll give you an injection." It is supported by words where the theme of fear and rejection dominates, such as. This attitude creates pressure and tension on the child after a certain period of time. A child who cannot express himself comfortably becomes discouraged over time. The child begins to withdraw from society and even hide behind the parent when he sees a stranger. Over time, the child becomes more attached to his parents. In addition, these threats trigger anxiety and increase the likelihood of the individual developing anxiety disorders in the future.

After a while, parents begin to question why their child's self-confidence is low and seek help. It is inevitable that a child who grows up with constant fear and pressure will become introverted in the future. Because the child, who sees that his own ideas are not taken into consideration when he expresses them, thinks that his ideas are always wrong and feels the perception of inadequacy over time.

Intimidating children to do what we say is easy in the short term, but harmful in the long term. Therefore, it is very important to discipline children correctly. First of all, the child should be given the opportunity to develop a sense of confidence, to be free, and to know himself and the environment; Of course, within certain limits. We must convey the limits we set to the child at a level that he can understand, and generally keep them in the process. We must act carefully.

Hoping you can communicate with quality…


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