The prostate is part of the male reproductive system, which includes the penis, prostate, and testicles. The prostate is located just below the bladder, in front of the rectum (the last part where the large intestine connects to the bladder).
What is Prostate Cancer?
Cancer is the unusual division and proliferation of cells that make up the human body, and the formation of masses called tumors in the organs. Studies have proven that there are more than a hundred types of cancer. However, the formation of all these types of cancer occurs in the same way.
Abnormal cells multiply uncontrollably, causing the disease to occur. The success rate of treatment of cancer disease increases with early diagnosis and treatment applied. Delayed cancer treatments are dangerous enough to put human life at risk. Cancers are named according to the name of the organ in which they occur in the human body. Therefore, if there is an onset of cancer in the prostate, it is called prostate cancer. Skin cancer and prostate cancer are two of the most common types of cancer in men. As in other types of cancer, early diagnosis and treatment are vital in prostate cancer.
Prostate; It is part of the male reproductive system, which includes the penis, prostate, and testicles. The prostate is located just below the bladder, in front of the rectum (the last part of the large intestine where it connects to the bladder). It is about the size of a walnut and surrounds the urethra (the tube that drains urine from the bladder). It ensures the production of seminal fluid, which forms part of the sperm. As a man ages, the prostate tends to grow in size. This causes the urethra to narrow, reducing the flow of urine.
This situation is sometimes confused with prostate cancer among the public. However, this is called benign prostatic hyperplasia and is not the same thing as prostate cancer. Uncontrolled cell proliferation in the prostate causes prostate cancer. This cancer usually tends to grow slowly and is initially confined to the prostate gland, where it cannot cause serious damage. While such slow-growing cancers do not require treatment in some cases, there are prostate cancers that are more aggressive and rapidly progressing and require quick treatment.
Treatment if cancer is detected early and still confined to the prostate gland I will be largely successful. However, in cases not diagnosed early, the risk may be higher than other types of cancer. Because prostate cancer spreads faster to other organs in the body than other types of cancer. For this reason, the progression of the cancer should be followed and its treatment should be done appropriately.
What are the Symptoms of Prostate Cancer?
Prostate cancer often does not show any signs or symptoms in the early stages. But advanced prostate cancer has many symptoms. These can be listed as follows:
- Frequent urination at night while falling asleep and while asleep,
- Interrupted flow during urination and the feeling that the bladder is not completely empty,
- Blood in the urine in advanced levels of cancer,
- Blood in the seminal fluid released during intercourse or masturbation,
- Burning and pain while urinating, although not seen in all patients,
/li> - Feeling discomfort or pain while sitting due to enlarged prostate.
- Pain in the back, hip, thigh, shoulder or other bones,
- Pain or edema in the legs or feet,
- Unwanted weight loss, despite the unchanged dietary habits and daily life,
- Disorders in bowel habits and fatigue.
What are the Causes of Prostate Cancer?
Scientific studies have not yet determined what causes prostate cancer. However, it is known that abnormal cell growth in the prostate causes this disease. Changes in the DNA of abnormal cells cause cells to grow and divide faster than normal cells. All normal cells that make up our body have a certain lifespan and die when the time comes.
However, this code has changed in the DNA of cancer cells and the cells die. It doesn't die when it should. Therefore, abnormal cell increases occur and a tumor occurs. In general, the risk increases with increasing age, with the probability of the disease occurring even higher over the age of 50. Scientific studies have shown that prostate cancer is more common among African men than Asian men.
Having a brother or father diagnosed with prostate cancer before the age of 60 increases the risk of cancer. In addition, some studies have shown that a female relative diagnosed with breast cancer also increases the risk. Obesity and inactivity brought about by modern life also increase the risk of prostate cancer. Therefore, it is important to exercise regularly and avoid excess weight. It is thought that the increased amount of calcium in the body may also cause prostate cancer.
How to Diagnose Prostate Cancer?
There is no definitive screening test for the diagnosis of prostate cancer. For this reason, most health care providers do not screen for asymptomatic men. Because there is no definitive study on whether this screening is beneficial for the individual concerned. However, it is important to have the necessary screenings in men over the age of 50 who show some symptoms. One of the methods used for the diagnosis of prostate cancer is rectal examination. In this exam, the doctor palps the rectum to examine the prostate adjacent to the rectum.
For examination, the doctor inserts his finger through the rectum and examines whether there is any abnormality in the tissue of the prostate gland. Apart from this, prostate specific antigen (PSA) test can also be applied. In this test, a blood sample is taken from the patient and the PSA produced by the prostate gland is analyzed in the blood. A small amount of PSA circulating in the blood is expected as a result of the analysis.
However, on the contrary, there is a risk of prostate infection, inflammation, enlargement or cancer. These two methods are used to detect conditions that may be signs of cancer. If there is an abnormality in these results, methods such as ultrasound, prostate tissue sample examination and MRI fusion are used. With transrectal ultrasound, the structure of the prostate is examined in more detail. In this method, a small finger-thick device is inserted through the rectum and sound waves are used to create an image of the prostate gland. ;
Examination can also be done by taking a sample from prostate tissue with biopsy. In this method, a piece of the prostate is taken with the help of a needle and examined for cancerous tissue. MRI fusion is also a biopsy-supportive imaging technique. This method may also be preferred by some doctors. In addition, MRI scanning is also one of the diagnostic methods used according to PSA results.
What are Prostate Cancer Treatment Methods?
Many experts, including medical oncologists, surgeons and radiation oncologists, collaborate in cancer treatments. executes. The treatment process for prostate cancer is often carried out with this joint study. One of these treatment processes is radiation therapy. The aim of this treatment is to kill cancer cells by using ionizing radiation or photons. In this treatment, cancer cells are destroyed by damaging their DNA.
Research has shown that radiation therapy is as effective as surgical treatment in the treatment of prostate cancer. Removing the entire prostate gland by surgery, known as radical prostatectomy, is an effective solution for men whose cancer has not yet spread to the surrounding tissues. In advanced or recurrent prostate cancer, other surgical treatments such as removal of lymph nodes can also be applied. Testosterone provides essential elements for the growth of prostate cancers. For this reason, some drugs are given to patients to restrict testosterone production. Thus, the proliferation of cancer cells is prevented.
However, in this treatment, the decreased testosterone hormone has side effects such as weight gain, sudden mood swings, and hot flashes. In addition, chemotherapy is a frequently used treatment method to prevent the further spread of cancer cells. However, chemotherapy does not provide complete disappearance of the disease. Symptomatic improvement may occur as it stops the progression of cells. Most of the time, other treatment methods are used after chemotherapy for definitive recovery. If you have breast cancer and prostate cancer in your family and you are over 50, remember that you are in the risk group. For this reason, taking into account all the symptoms mentioned above, you can make an appointment for an examination from a health institution and have the necessary screenings.
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