Do not hide your disabled child from those around you!

How should disabled children be treated? How should families with disabled children approach their children? Here is very important information from an expert...

A child has to cope with the psychological difficulties created by these disabilities as well as his/her physical, hearing, visual or mental disabilities. Children begin to perceive that they are "different" at the age of 3-4 and try to understand, comprehend and accept this disability until their twenties. Only children with severe mental illness have difficulty understanding this situation.

The first reaction of children who begin to understand their differences is anger; because the child experiences a deep sense of frustration, which causes considerable anger. “Why am I like this?” and “Why me?” questions occupy the agenda again and again for a long time; Because at each developmental stage, the child has different perceptions and different expectations. In every physical and social environment encountered, the child has to cope with the difficulties created by this situation again. Each negative experience leaves negative traces on the child's self-development.

In light of all these experiences, the most common emotional and intellectual problems experienced by children with disabilities and developmental delays are the belief in fault, lack of self-confidence, anger, depression and guilt.



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