Cough is a reflex mechanism created by the lower respiratory tract to clean and protect itself. Generally, cough occurs as a result of involuntary stimulation of the membrane lining the inner lining of the bronchi, located between the larynx and bronchial tree. Secretions and secretions in the airways, foreign objects, mechanical factors that press on the outer wall of the bronchus, irritating substances such as nicotine, bleach and detergents, and polluted air have been held responsible for the onset of the cough reflex. The most common causes of acute cough are viral upper respiratory tract infections and bacterial respiratory tract infections, allergic rhinitis, asthma, irritants such as smoking and other causes. In recurrent cough; Bronchial hyperreactivity and aspiration (foreign matter entering the airways) should also be considered. The three most important causes of chronic cough are considered to be postnasal drip-related cough, asthma and gastroesophageal reflux (GER).
Simple measures that can be taken at home when the cough first starts are as follows:
First of all, you need to drink plenty of warm water. The best treatment to soften the secretions is to drink plenty of water, but it is appropriate to drink warm water. If you can drink at least two drinks a day, more warm water is recommended.
If the cough increases at night - which may increase due to postnasal drip, especially when you first lie down - the head of the bed should be elevated, and if necessary, sleep with two pillows. p>
The nose must be kept open. If the nose remains blocked, breathing will be done through the mouth and the throat will dry out and the cough will increase further.
If the person who is coughing smokes, it would be appropriate not to smoke or to smoke near him and to stay away from all kinds of pungent odors during this period. .
Again, heavy exertion may trigger cough, the patient with cough should avoid heavy exertion.
If the cause of cough is reflux, precautions should be taken. If the diagnosis has already been made, the physician should be informed and the treatment should be reviewed.
If the cough exceeds 2 weeks and/or increases after URTI, a physician should be consulted.
It is not appropriate for the patient to use cough suppressants on his own; they must be used under the supervision of a physician. It remains today The areas of use of cough suppressants in Turkey are very limited, and it is preferred to treat the cause rather than stopping the cough.
Not being a passive smoker, having a normal immune system, not using ACE inhibitor group blood pressure medication, having normal lung sounds, radiography and respiratory function tests (PFT), having previously been diagnosed with asthma, chronic bronchitis, allergic bronchitis, cardiovascular or other systemic diseases. Cough lasting more than three weeks in a patient who has not taken it; should be evaluated for chronic cough. Chronic cough; Although different durations are specified in various sources, it is defined as a cough that lasts longer than three weeks and without any improvement. While chronic cough was detected in 14-23% of cases in the adult non-smoking group, this rate was found to be 20-22% in the childhood age group.
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