Menopause is the period when fertility ends for a woman. During this period, the ovaries age and lose their functions and the reproductive age ends. It is a completely physiological process like puberty.
The cause of menopause is:The ovaries lose their function.
The most important symptom of menopause:Not having a menstrual period for 1 year. Before this period is called pre-menopause, and after it is called menopause.
At what age does menopause occur:The average age of menopause in our country is 51. However, it may also occur earlier or later.
Symptoms, Complaints
The menopause process may have different severities from person to person. It progresses with neurological and psychological symptoms, which we call early symptoms. The most important laboratory finding of a woman entering the post-menopausal period is estrogen levels below 20 and FSH and LH levels above 40 in at least 3 measurements. FSH and LH levels reach the highest level 3 years after menopause and then gradually decrease.
While complaints due to estrogen deficiency appear immediately, problems related to cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis occur in the late period. Hot flashes and sweating are the most common menopausal complaints. Additionally, women may experience anxiety, restlessness, loss of appetite, memory loss, lack of concentration, mood swings, and loss of libido. With menopause, changes occur in bone tissue.
Menopause Treatment
We can divide menopause treatment into two periods: before menopause (pre-menopausal) and after menopause (post-menopausal).
Pre-menopausal period: During menopause, FSH and estrogens synthesized from the ovaries lose their former properties. As the ovaries age and hormonal changes occur, treatment is made according to the complaints caused by these changes. The most common complaints during this period are hot flashes and irregular menstrual bleeding. Hormonal treatments are usually applied. The dose of treatment is different from that in the postmenopausal period. The aim is to ensure that the patient's menstrual bleeding occurs in certain periods and to relieve the patient.
Post-menopausal period:The main purpose in the treatment of the post-menopausal period is to replace the lost estrogen. It is to replace the n hormone. The most important problem here is where, how and for how long the hormones will be used. If hot flash complaints or vaginal thinning are prevented, it may be possible to calculate the course and duration of treatment that will be suitable for the person. When osteoporosis, which is a late menopause problem, accelerates and the risk of cardiovascular disease increases, it is not possible to adjust the individual treatment dose. For this reason, treatments are tried to be planned within the framework of the results obtained from various studies.
Family planning is done so that couples can have as many children as they want, whenever they want. Preventing unwanted pregnancies and regulating the period between two births, taking into account their socioeconomic status, constitute the content of family planning.
Traditional Birth Control Methods: Withdrawal, tracking the day of ovulation and washing the vagina after intercourse. are the most commonly used traditional birth control methods. The risk of pregnancy is very high with these methods. In our country, the withdrawal method is most commonly used, but even if applied correctly, the success rate is low. That's why no traditional method is among the methods we recommend.
Condom is one of the barrier methods. Methods such as vaginal diaphragm, vaginal condom and cervical cap are also considered barrier methods. Condom failure is often caused by usage errors, not manufacturing errors. Condoms should be put on before intercourse and removed when the penis loses its hardness.
Birth Control Pills
Birth control pills suppress ovulation and prevent pregnancy. Generally, 1 pill per day is used for 21 days. When the box is finished, there is a 7-day break. During this period, menstrual bleeding occurs. It is used again for 21 days after menstruation. Birth control pills are mostly sold in boxes of 21 tablets. The pills are also available in 28 tablets. It should not be forgotten that the protection is low when using the first box and an additional method should be used.
The Morning After Pill
The morning after pill is not a birth control method. protection It aims to prevent pregnancy by using it after sexual intercourse. The morning after pill should be used within the first 72 hours after intercourse.
Spiral (IUD)
It is the most widely used and effective birth control method in the world. The material placed in the uterus to prevent sperm from reaching the egg and to prevent the egg from settling even if fertilization occurs is called a spiral. It has a high protection rate of 99 percent.
It is the injection of progesterone hormone into the muscle monthly or every 3 months. It may cause menstrual irregularity in the first months. It is 98 percent protective.
Subcutaneous Implant
The device, which is generally placed in the groove on the inner surface of the arm, suppresses pregnancy by releasing controlled hormones. It provides a high level of protection for 5-6 years.
Tubal Ligation
Unlike the methods above, it is a permanent method. It can also be defined as the sterilization process of women who do not want another pregnancy.
Nausea and vomiting complaints during pregnancy can be seen in most expectant mothers. It starts in the 4th-6th week of pregnancy and usually ends in the 12th week. It is also called morning sickness because it mostly occurs in the morning. People who are experiencing their first pregnancy are more likely to experience nausea. Along with nausea, the feeling of disgust is also quite high. Strong odors such as food, cigarettes, perfume and sweat can cause nausea and vomiting along with disgust.
Not every expectant mother will experience nausea, but some pregnant women may experience extreme nausea. If weight loss occurs as a result of severe vomiting and constant vomiting after eating, it is necessary to consult a doctor. If 2-3 degree positive ketones are detected in the urinalysis due to malnutrition, hospitalization should be performed and serum should be given. Lost minerals are restored with serum.
What Causes Nausea and Vomiting During Pregnancy?
Nausea and vomiting are related to increased pregnancy hormones. Vitamin B6 deficiency and pregnancy-related stress are also seen as the cause of vomiting during pregnancy. Outside of these Thyroid gland disorders, fatigue and psychological factors may also be included. Those with multiple pregnancies, young pregnant women, those who have previously complained of nausea (for example, those who feel nauseous while driving) and those who have migraines may encounter nausea and vomiting problems during pregnancy.
How to Prevent Vomiting and Nausea During Pregnancy?
How to Prevent Vomiting and Nausea During Pregnancy? strong>
First of all, it is necessary to change eating habits. Low-fat, painless and spice-free foods should be consumed. Eating little and often will be beneficial. Whether you experience nausea or not, the protein-rich eating habit we recommend will be good for nausea. Drink plenty of fluids. Since nausea occurs especially in the morning, do not get up from your bed immediately and avoid sudden movements. Keep snacks such as white roasted chickpeas or saltine crackers with you. Most importantly, share this problem with your doctor and listen to his suggestions.
The ideal weight gain during pregnancy is between 7 and 12. Although up to 15 kilos is allowed, anything more may pose a risk for the expectant mother and the baby. The fact that gaining too much weight used to be boasted about and some people carry these old habits to the present still causes some expectant mothers to think that "gaining extra weight will be good for the baby". However, scientific studies have proven that this idea is not true.
Excessive weight gain by the expectant mother may be harmful to the baby's health. It may negatively affect brain development and also disrupt blood sugar balance. Disruption of sugar balance may cause hyperglycemia, causing the baby to become large and a strong candidate for diabetes.
Excessive weight gain also has harms for the mother. Excess weight can cause high blood pressure and diabetes. This negatively affects both the mother and automatically the baby.
In order to maintain an average weight of 7-12 kilos, it is necessary to have a balanced diet and consume foods rich in protein and low in carbohydrates. Since metabolism generally slows down during pregnancy, it should be revitalized by consuming plenty of water and exercising. Sports such as walking, swimming, pilates and yoga can be done, provided that it is not heavy exercise. Especially what happens to lactic acid accumulation? It is necessary to avoid heavy exercises. Apart from this, there is no harm in doing light gym exercises.
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