What is Aronia Fruit?

We encounter a very rich content in terms of publications about the effects and health benefits of the ARONIA fruit, known as

Chokeberry. In fact, this fruit, which is common in North America, has such a rich content that we call it a 'SUPER FRUIT'. If we examine the studies conducted in terms of its health benefits;

  • In laboratory studies; It has been shown that aronia juice made with lemon juice can be used to prevent the basic pathology in Senile Dementia, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease by reducing the cholinesterase activity within the cell. /p>

  • In one of the human experiments, systolic (large) 11 mmHg and diastolic (lower) 7.2 mmHg blood pressure were reduced by using a glass of aronia juice 3 times a day in patients who had 44 heart attacks and were receiving statin therapy. It reduced blood pressure and significantly reduced the risk of diseases related to cardiovascular diseases. (As an example of a similar comparison, the Framingham study using blood pressure medication showed that a 1 mmHg decrease in blood pressure reduced the risk of attacks related to cardiovascular system diseases). In line with the conclusion we draw from here, we can see that it has a great effect on heart patients and blood pressure disorders. It occurs with use and seriously reduces the risk; It has been shown to reduce the factors that increase the threat of vascular occlusion in the human body.

  • Breast, large intestine and bone marrow, which stop the increase of cancer cells in laboratory cell culture studies and animal experiments. Since the amount of anthocyanins are very rich in cancer and lung cancer tissue, it disrupts cancer cell signaling. In this sense, we can say that it is a perfect weapon against cancer.

  • In another experiment, when aronia was added to a person's daily diet, there was a 7% decrease in cholesterol level. /strong>It has been observed that it provides relief from inflammation.

  • Inflammation anti-inflammatory effect Compared to cortisone, methyl prednisolone managed to have a similar anti-inflammatory effect with a 10 mg dose without the side effects of steroid hormones.

  • There are studies showing that it is effective in blood sugar and weight control.


    Like many miraculous foods, aronia fruit is also included in both the pharmaceutical industry and the cosmetic industry due to its many benefits to the organism. If you have not yet met this fruit, which is increasingly popular today, I recommend you to try it. Live with health, happiness, and peace with aronia; Have a bright life.


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