Specific Learning Disability

Specific Learning Disability

Specific learning disability; It is the situation where the individual's intelligence is normal or above normal, but he/she shows behavior below the level expected from his/her peers in areas such as reading, writing, interpreting what is said, mathematical operations, and communication.

The prerequisite for a diagnosis of specific learning disability is that the child is normal or below normal. is that it is on top. The learning difficulties experienced by children with mental retardation are not specific learning disabilities.

Specific learning disability has three subheadings:

  • Dyslexia (reading disorder): Dyslexia is briefly defined as reading difficulty. Children diagnosed with dyslexia have difficulty establishing and understanding the relationships between sounds, letters and words. This causes them to have difficulty in learning to read and understanding what they read. Slow and spelling reading is observed in children diagnosed with dyslexia.

  • Dysgraphia (writing disorder): Dysgraphia is briefly defined as a writing disorder. In children diagnosed with dysgraphia, situations such as mixing up some letters (p-g, b-d, g-h..), writing syllables incompletely, changing the position of syllables while writing, not using punctuation marks or using them incorrectly are observed.

  • Dyscalculia: Dyscalculia is commonly defined as a learning disability in mathematics. It is observed that children diagnosed with dyscalculia have difficulties in skills such as memory and sequencing. In mathematical operations, addition (+) signs and multiplication (x) signs are mixed. They have difficulty in learning the concepts of reading a clock, direction information, left and right, and using them functionally.

  • Children diagnosed with specific learning disabilities may be diagnosed from any of these three sub-steps, or they may be affected by more than one specific learning disability at the same time. Side difficulties such as attention deficit and hyperactivity, anxiety and anxiety disorder, coordination difficulty, and language problems can be observed in children with specific learning disabilities. through tests performed by competent persons such as psychiatrists and clinical psychologists. The result r is placed. We can list the symptoms in children with suspected specific learning disabilities as follows:


    The most important treatment for specific learning disabilities is education. Children with specific learning disabilities must be supported with special education in areas where their deficiencies are felt and identified. By prioritizing the individual characteristics of children diagnosed with specific learning disabilities, educational techniques should be used in areas where their learning and interests are difficult. Improves attention and memory levels adaptations must be made. In order to develop concept and thinking skills and literacy skills, appropriate activities should be carried out for the child individually or in a group environment.


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