What is an implant? How is implant planning done? Is the implant a painful procedure?

1- Bone density measurement in computerized tomography sections used during the implant treatment planning phase provides important benefits for the physician to make evaluations before the surgical procedure.
2. Evaluation of implant stability. When the evaluation is made in terms of implant diameters at the stage, it may be possible to attribute the fact that there is no difference to the difference in the implant system and the differences in the relationship between the implant diameter and the final bur.
3. Treatment of missing teeth has become much easier thanks to dental implants. Treatment of missing teeth has always been one of the basic needs for patients. Restoring the aesthetics and function lost due to missing teeth to the patient has become the basis of dentistry. Among the prostheses developed for this purpose, fixed ones have mostly been the first preferred popular restoration types.

In implant planning, implant length, amount of existing bone, relationship between jaws, shape of the alveolar bone, position of the mandibular nerve, maxillary and nasal sinuses, etc. It is closely related to anatomical points. The experience and aesthetic foresight of the physician is very important.

When we look at the effects of dental implants and smoking, its effect on the tissues in the mouth is that it prepares the ground for bacterial plaque retention, increases the risk of infection, delays wound healing and reduces blood supply. .

One of the most important factors in the success of a dental implant is choosing the right patient. The two most important factors in this selection are the patient's age and systemic condition. Problems may arise in elderly patients in terms of their systemic condition, the medications they have to use constantly, and patient motivation. Since the implants will be placed through a surgical procedure, necessary precautions should be taken before the surgical procedure in individuals with systemic diseases.

In Implant Surgery, local anesthesia is applied to the patient before the operation. Due to this anesthesia, the patient does not feel any pain or pain during the operation. Patients who received implants may experience mild pain on the same day after the anesthesia effect wears off. These pains are considered normal. This situation is resolved by using the painkiller recommended by the dentist after the operation. When patients who have had implants are asked later, they say that this pain is similar to the pain experienced during normal tooth extraction. You will be comfortable enough to forget the existence of implants when the surgery is completed without any problems.

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