Is my child constipated?
“If your child's frequency of defecation is less than once every two days, and if he/she experiences serious pain and difficulty while defecating, yes, your child is also constipated. It means there is a constipation problem.”
Does every constipation require treatment?
“If the duration of constipation has exceeded one month, treatment is required. It means he has a constipation problem.”
Why is my child constipated?
“Although it varies depending on the geography and conditions he lives in, roughly every tenth One of the children has constipation problem. There are individual and social reasons for such a common problem. Unhealthy eating habits are the most common cause. Approximately 95% of all constipated children develop constipation due to functional problems such as unhealthy nutrition and living habits. Only 5% of patients have serious organic causes. The most common scenario is a crack (fissure) in the anal area that occurs after hard, large-scale defecation and subsequent fecal retention behavior. As defecation is delayed, the accumulated poop hardens and causes pain and cracks when passing out. This results in an inextricable vicious circle. If constipation lasts for a long time, children stay away from feeding to avoid pooping and this causes developmental delay.
How will you treat it?
“Unfortunately, We don't have a magic wand. Short-term standard drug treatments fail in the majority of patients. A treatment plan should be prepared specifically for each patient and followed strictly. Only in this way can effective treatment be achieved. Generally, due to time constraints, patients seen in the outpatient clinic are given the same medications, in the same doses, and are called for a check-up after a long period of time, such as 1 month. This often leads to treatment failure. Constipation treatment should be specific and long-term for each child.
Do constipation medications cause intestinal laziness?
“No, it does not. As with every functioning organ in the body, regular functioning intestines are also strengthened. The main cause is intestinal damage due to constipation that has not been treated for a long time. It causes inactivity and inactivity, which we medically call hypomotility. In a child who is helped to defecate regularly with medication, intestinal motility increases in the long term.
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