Breast Milk? Mama?

My intention is not to start with "benefits of breast milk" and fill in many articles full of classical medical terms. Just writing down the known benefits of breast milk would take pages. Even though formula is produced with superior technology, it can never replace breast milk. Because the milk of every living creature is created with a composition specific to its own species. It is every baby's fundamental right to receive "exclusive" breast milk in the first 6 months, and babies should not be deprived of this right. Of course, baby foods are not poison, they are necessary too. But when it is "really" needed..

Breastfeeding, which is the best way of communication to establish a bond of love between the baby and the mother; Why does anyone give up on the miracle breast milk, which contains all the nutrients a baby needs for the first 6 months? Why switch to formula? Here are the reasons I see:

    I witness that many babies are given bottled formula as soon as they are born in the hospital where they are born, and as the breast milk comes in, the amount of formula given is increased instead of decreasing. If breastfeeding is not successful or not sufficient, the salt content in the blood increases as the baby loses water and a fever, which we call thirst fever, occurs. If this situation lasts for a long time, the baby's brain and kidneys will be damaged by dehydration. In order to avoid such a situation and not to take responsibility, formula is started without giving the mother and baby the opportunity. The baby, mother and healthcare personnel use the easy bottle feeding method.

Do not say "We supplement breast milk". It comes as the mother sucks milk. As the breast empties, milk production occurs. If formula is supplemented at the same time as breastfeeding, the baby's stomach will be filled with formula. The baby, whose stomach is full of formula, sucks less and less of his mother, and as he sucks less, less milk is secreted, and breast milk begins to become insufficient. Eventually you will switch completely to food. Breast milk is lost.

    Mothers who doubt "I don't have enough milk" or "I wonder if my milk is enough?" Milk production starts in the brain, not in the breast. Positive thinking is very effective. When you say "I don't have enough milk", it won't be enough. You should think positively, "Why shouldn't it be enough? It will be enough." Sucking is a natural reflex that comes with the birth of the baby. This reflex must be supported with the right techniques and methods.

The first 10 days after birth If there is no weight loss exceeding 10% of birth weight by checking your weight every three days, it is best to continue with exclusive breastfeeding. We, doctors, should consider breastfeeding as a part of every weight control examination and guide the mother in this regard and support her with the right techniques. I have seen that a baby's weight gain is achieved only with the right technique. If the weight loss is excessive and it is planned to support breast milk with formula until a sufficient amount is reached, this formula should not be given with a bottle. Because breast sucking and bottle sucking are different methods. Once the baby discovers the convenience of a bottle, he may stop breastfeeding, even if temporarily.

So how can we give formula without a bottle? I have a method that I have been using for years. While the baby is breastfeeding, you give the baby food from the corner of the baby's lips with a syringe whose needle you remove and fill with food. Thinking that his mother's milk has arrived, the baby sucks the breast more eagerly and begins to stimulate milk production more. Thus, he is not introduced to the bottle and his desire for the breast increases. Of course, this method also has negative aspects, such as some of the food leaking out and the baby and mother's clothes may get dirty. Even this negative situation has a plus. After a while it will become difficult and the mother will continue to breastfeed exclusively. Thus, the baby will continue to be fed only with breast milk. They will be smarter, healthier, more self-confident babies with a stronger bond with their mother.

Although it may be a little difficult at first, you will understand that breastfeeding is actually a very easy process, thanks to the support of us doctors and the experience breastfeeding brings over time.

I hope that all babies will be fed only breast milk for the first 6 months and I wish everyone good health.

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