Healthy Nutrition Recommendations After Birth

The most important thing to pay attention to in order to provide enough milk after birth is fluid consumption

. At least 12 glasses (approximately 3 liters) of fluid should be taken a day.

 The priority in fluid consumption should be water. In addition, buttermilk, lemonade, fresh fruit juices,

compotes can also be consumed. In order to increase water consumption, fruit can be added to the water to give it aroma.

 Protein and calcium needs are met. To meet this requirement, ayran, yoghurt and cheese must be consumed every day. Since milk consumption may cause gas problems, priority should be given to other dairy products. Lactose-free milk can also be preferred.

 One egg per day should be consumed because it contains rich nutrients and especially high protein quality

. It can be preferred boiled or in oil.

 Herbal teas such as mint, linden and chamomile can be consumed up to 2 cups a day.

. Black tea can be consumed light and by adding lemon.

 Fennel and cumin are spices that increase milk supply and can relieve the baby's gas problem.

and their consumption should not exceed 2 teaspoons a day.

 Consuming vegetables and fruits at every meal is important. When the fruits are consumed with their shells after they are thoroughly washed, the pulp, which is especially beneficial for intestinal health, is removed and thus constipation is prevented.

 The pulp is also obtained from whole grain products. Consuming whole wheat,

oat and rye bread instead of white bread is more beneficial in terms of regulating blood sugar and fiber intake

. Bran bread may cause anemia and gas problems


 Molasses can be consumed instead of sugar due to the iron and calcium it contains.

 Ready-made fruit juices, soda, cola. Consumption of beverages such as: In order to achieve faster and healthier food, consumption of fatty, sugary and floury foods should be limited.

 Consumption of processed products such as salami, sausages and sausages should be reduced.

 Fish should be consumed twice a week.

 Ka Oil should be preferred instead of oil. Olive oil, sunflower and corn oils

should be given priority.

 Foods that cause gas (such as onion, garlic, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, beans)

be careful. should be consumed.

 The use of spices in meals should be reduced. Particularly hot spices should be avoided as they may irritate the baby


 Boiling and baking should be preferred instead of cooking methods such as frying and roasting.

p> Since smoking and alcohol use will harm both the mother and the baby, they should be stopped as soon as possible

Dyt.İlayda Sena BALKI

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