Are you a good candidate for vaginal birth after cesarean section? What if the benefits of VBAC outweigh the risks? The choice is, of course, for you, dear expectant mothers... I wanted to explain the pros and cons of vaginal birth after cesarean section for you, so that you can make the best choice for your baby and yourself.
If you have given birth to a baby via cesarean section before, your next pregnancy will be after cesarean section. It can occur by vaginal birth (VBAC) or a planned cesarean section. This depends entirely on your medical condition. However, before; “Once you have a cesarean, you should always have a cesarean.” There was a belief like this. Today, this situation is no longer valid for most expectant mothers.
Women who have given birth by cesarean section can give birth to their next baby by vaginal birth, if there are no medical concerns or risks. However, it may be difficult to decide whether to opt for VBAC or planned cesarean section. For this, I find it useful to talk about the factors that must be taken into consideration.
Are You a Suitable Candidate for VBAC?
Although the VBAC decision is a personal decision, it should be based on careful and comprehensive medical advice. Most women who experience VBAC have previously had both vaginal and cesarean births. • If you do not have any health problems that prevent you from having a normal birth, • If no vertical incision was made in your previous cesarean section (because this may increase the risk of uterine rupture), • If you have had a transverse cesarean section at most 2 times, • If you have not had any surgery related to the uterus before, • Birth If the canal is suitable or there is no congenital stenosis in this area, • If the baby's partner does not close the birth canal, • If you do not have diabetes or high blood pressure, you may be a suitable candidate for VBAC.
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