What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety can be defined as an anxiety disorder. Every person experiences anxiety. An important future plan can also cause anxiety, and thinking about what you will prepare for guests coming to your home can also create anxiety. In general, anxiety is normal, and at the same time, anxiety is a necessary emotion for the body to act and respond quickly in possible threat and danger situations. While the level of anxiety normally experienced is at a level that the individual can overcome on his own, in anxiety disorders the level of anxiety is usually at an extreme level.

In some people, this anxiety may be long-term or may evolve in other directions, which is called generalized anxiety disorder. This long-term anxiety can have consequences that will greatly affect the course of life, such as being overly sensitive to triggers in the environment, staying away from any environment that may cause anxiety, and being constantly nervous as if something bad is going to happen. Individuals with generalized anxiety disorder are in a state of ongoing anxiety about many issues in their lives, including the smallest events in their daily lives. This state of anxiety is chronic and extremely extreme. In fact, this state of anxiety has a huge impact on the person's daily life, and the individual may begin to have difficulty in continuing his general responsibilities or life. Individuals have a very difficult time controlling this anxiety and it is almost impossible for them to control it on their own. Some relaxation techniques can be used as an aid alongside medication or psychotherapy. Individuals generally experience anxiety about personal issues such as work, family, health, responsibilities, and situations that may happen to their close circle.

There are some important points to correctly diagnose generalized anxiety disorder:

What are the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder?

Anxiety may also cause physical symptoms such as frequent urination and shortness of breath. People with generalized anxiety disorder may avoid certain activities or places to avoid negative events. At the same time, since individuals are constantly thinking about possible dangers, they may feel the need to call and check on their loved ones frequently.

If you think you have an anxiety disorder, pay attention to these situations and symptoms:


Generalized anxiety disorder can severely affect a person's life and affect the person's daily responsibilities, It may make you unable to survive. Constant unreasonable anxiety and anxiety not only harms the person's ability to focus on daily life, but also can cause effects such as constant fatigue, drowsiness, and lack of motivation. Many of the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder are physical, and these symptoms increase as anxiety increases. For this reason, most individuals with generalized anxiety disorder first consult a doctor for their physical symptoms; the correct diagnosis can be made after doctors determine that the individual is healthy.

What causes generalized anxiety disorder?

Although there is no single cause, there are causes that may vary from person to person. If there is a genetic family history of anxiety disorder, the next It has been revealed that anxiety disorders can also be encountered in older children. However, along with genetics, environmental factors are also very effective. Environmental factors such as any trauma, major or minor changes, or changes in business life can also cause an anxiety disorder in a person without a genetic predisposition. Additionally, the presence of environmental factors may reveal underlying genetics. From a biological perspective, chemical disorders in the brain play an important role in anxiety disorders. It also manifests itself more in individuals who are under the influence of constant and heavy stress.

What are the risk factors in anxiety disorders?

As mentioned above, risk factors are also important because genetic and external factors work together. Among these:

How is Generalized Anxiety Disorder treated?

The most preferred method for anxiety disorders is medications and psychotherapy. In addition, relaxation techniques are also used to suppress the individual's thoughts to a small extent and reduce the individual's anxiety level. Since most symptoms are physical, there will be other tests to be done first and the diagnosis is made according to the results of the tests.

Treatments are diverse and their effects vary from person to person, so there is no single treatment method. Anti-depressants are mostly used as medication. Anti-depressants are very effective in treating generalized anxiety disorder and do not have serious side effects. It provides a rapid treatment, the individual can regain his health in approximately 2-4 weeks. It cannot be said that psychotherapy is more effective than medications, it is just that psychotherapy is a slightly longer-term treatment method. Psychotherapy, which helps regulate some of the thoughts and schemas that cause anxiety, along with cognitive behavioral therapy, is effective for longer than 2-4 weeks, but is a more useful option in the long run. caution.

Not every treatment may be suitable for every patient, so it is useful to determine the type and duration of the treatment by consulting with your psychologist.

So what can you do to reduce anxiety attacks?

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