It is a surprising development that attachment theory was accepted within the concept of psychodynamic therapy only fifty years later. The reason for this fifty-year rejection is basically a different theoretical basis and methodological design that the UK uses and bases itself on. Because, although BK has a psychoanalytical basis, it is actually oriented towards systemic psychology/psychiatry, and psychoanalysis has perceived this as a threat to its own existence for a long time. But today, within psychoanalysis, there is also a broad acceptance of early psychic processes acquired through direct observation of infants and children. Especially the works of Stern and Lichtenberg brought a new thinking model to psychoanalysis and supported interdisciplinary dialogue. Today, the dialogue between Psychoanalysis and the UK is in a better state. Because dealing with the emotional reflections of the disorganization created by our world, which has become unpredictable today, has become preferable to understanding how the individual suppresses his (unique) undesirable impulses within a cultural structure, which is the (initial) main concern of psychoanalysis. Because the central problem of today's postmodern man is insecurity and inability to connect. At this point, BK focuses on the problem of trust and mistrust within its own approach. It is not dynamic and is based on misinterpretation and misunderstanding of psychoanalysis." Bowlby did not take into account and did not approve of the drive dynamics, the Oedipus complex, unconscious fantasies and processes, and the complex internalized motivation and conflict resolution processes/systems. BK considered the experience of physical separation as a single explanatory variable in his theory. He did not attach importance to negative attachment, for example, fear of the mother, and did not give it any importance in his theory. He also ignored the familiar Freudian stages in the development of the self. From this point of view, Bowlby actually did everything to make it difficult for him to be accepted in the psychoanalysis community :). Bowlby's aim here was to observe, investigate and capture representations of reality; reality of the world of representations Not to investigate! However, today, CB has a function and importance within psychoanalysis, and its reflections are: direct observation, infant and child research, self/self experience, the meaning of empathy, emotional mirror (reflection) contributions.

Above. These areas that I have mentioned have enabled the empirical examination of mythological concepts such as oedipus and electra complexes within psychoanalysis and questionable metaphors such as autism, symbiotic relationship and introjection, with a non-ideological questioning, curiosity, doubt and a scientific necessity approach.


Experience is the primary source of behavior, and the interpretation of these experiences opens the way for therapeutic change. Experimental psychology distances itself from interpretation and emphasizes reliable observation. Avoids creating speculative theories.

1. Freud's systematic observation of his 1.5-year-old nephew Ernest Freud. Publishing the book Beyond the Pleasure Principle. Observations of children in the neonatal ward and intensive care unit in the context of trauma and separation anxiety.

2. Anna Freud: Founder of child psychoanalysis. Analytical child observations. Observations of child development stages. Establishing experimental kindergartens for children from low-income groups.

3. Rene Spitz: II. He presented data based on direct observation of children in prisons and mental hospitals after World War II. He used the concept of anaclitic depression for the first time and developed the concept of psychic organizers, which he described in the ego development of one-year-old children.

4. Margareth Mahler: In the early 60s, she examined one- and two-year-old children on the basis of separation and individuation. She defined autistic and symbiotic developmental stages. The picture of the child, which was valid until Mahler, was that he was a passive, undifferentiated being and left to his own instincts. The symbiotic relationship is used here more towards the child's relationship. However, today there is a clear perspective and paradigm shift. The baby/child is defined as an active being. Dornes defined a competent baby. Stern talks about the development of self-perception in the infant/child as the organizing principle. has set. Mahler defined the baby's fusion and unity with the mother as a primary experience and separation as an impulse that develops from this fusion. Stern, on the other hand, conceptualized that the perception of being separate entities is a primary experience in the baby/child and that this experience provides us with a safe ground in the development of our partnerships and in becoming a separate individual. On the other hand, UK researchers have also moved closer to psychoanalysis and started to be interested in intimacy research, ego psychology and narcissism theory.

5. John Bowlby: Founder of the UK. Bowlby defined mother and child - today the father is also included in this relationship - as participants in an interconnected and self-regulating system. The CONNECTION formed between mother and child within this system is only a part of the RELATIONSHIP, which is a complex system. BK connects systemic and psychoanalytic approaches, including ethology (developmental biology) and developmental psychology perspectives. The basic postulate of BK focuses on early influences on the child's emotional development and can explain the emergence and changes of strong emotional attachments that form between individuals throughout their life biographies. Over time, Bowlby shifted his initial pathological perspective towards a normal developmental psychology perspective. The question he is interested in is: "What is the essential nature of the relationship between mother and child?".

Bowlby has three articles that seek to answer this question:

1. Drive theory (S. Freud) does not provide an adequate explanation of how the baby establishes object relations (self-representation). Babies bond with the object (i.e. the mother) not only to satisfy their urges; In addition, they approach that object because they offer safety and relationship. Fairbairn stated that the priority is not the satisfaction of the pleasure principle, on the contrary, the object (mother) itself. Bowlby, on the other hand, emphasizes that the baby's goal is not the object (mother) itself, but rather its existence and emotional state (safety, security).

2. On Separation Anxiety. "Separation anxiety occurs when the baby/child's need for attachment becomes active and yet It occurs when the attachment person is unreachable.".

3. Examines young children's pain and mourning experiences of a continuous loss. He observes three typical reactions that result from these experiences: PROTEST, DESPITE, AND SEPARATION. Protest: The child is aware of the threatening separation. Crying, anger, searching for the parent, not making physical contact with others. Helplessness: Withdrawal from activities, monotonous crying, sadness, displaying aggressive behavior towards other children and their favorite toys. Separation: Returning to sociality, offers of relationality ( no longer) rejection, exhibiting deviant behavior that draws excessive attention to the main relationship object.

The reasons why Bowlby was criticized by psychoanalysts:

1. Criticizing the drive theory in order to justify the need for attachment

2. Putting ethology (developmental biology) as the main source on the basis of motivation theory

3. Disparaging attitude towards the meaning of the Oedipus complex

4. Rejecting meta-psychology

5. Giving importance to cognitive psychology (representation theory and relationship schemas)

6. Emphasizes interpersonal relationships rather than intrapsychic dynamics

7. His interest in research and his lack of interest in clinical Casuistics

Criticism of Bowlby by the Melanie Klein group: "We believe that autoplastically produced fantasies determine our perception of and processing of reality, and that our real experiences merely modify our internally arising fantasies." ) we believe.". Bowbly's response to this criticism is as follows: "The content of my fantasies is influenced and shaped only by our experiences with the world outside us!".

Bowlby's statements about BK:

one. BK has attempted to bring into a concept our tendency as humans to develop strong emotional attachments to other people.

2. Attachment is an emotional conveyor belt through which one person connects himself to another person and establishes a bond with each other that transcends time and space. You can connect to more than one person, but not dozens. Mental and physical pain are clear indicators of attachment. Attachment necessitates emotional development. Separation anxiety and anxiety in general activate and strengthen the need for attachment. ir.

3. Attachment behavior is any form of behavior that aims to produce closeness and relationship with the preferred person, whom we perceive as stronger and smarter than ourselves. Like crying and calling, searching, chasing, being constantly worried, clinging to one's trousers and protesting. With increasing age, the frequency and intensity of attachment behavior types decrease. But the need for attachment remains fundamental. In adults, types of attachment behavior become more pronounced if the person is unhappy, sick, or anxious/fearful. The above option is linked to the person's childhood experiences.

4. The rule is valid for people of all ages: when any difficulty/danger etc. arises, look for someone who has social support, offers the security he is looking for in his life, etc. People with good people are both very happy and can realize themselves more easily: a) Anger arises in a child whose desires are blocked, his anxiety increases with insecure relationships, and when he finds the support and trust he is looking for, he begins to explore his world.

As a Behavior System. Connection.

1. Smiling, making sounds, talking, shouting, screaming are forms of expression of attachment behavior. Whether perceived positively or negatively, this repertoire evokes a response response in those who hear it. This repertoire is necessary for survival, ensuring both the satisfaction of the need for security and the satisfaction of basic needs. "The baby is crying, I think he's hungry!"

2. Attachment behavior includes the psychological mechanisms through which we establish and reinforce the need for closeness. a)The child produces signals (e.g. smile) to arouse the attention of the person looking after him/her. b) Avoidant behaviors such as crying and screaming c) activate the child's muscles as he/she moves to approach the orientation person.

3. The goal directed by the child's own internal system is initially physical, that is, to ensure the continuation of the mother's closeness. This physical need for closeness is then replaced by a psychological need for closeness; because the goal is not the object itself, but rather the baby's own existential, emotional and situational balance. This psychological need is a healthy one in the child.

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