"Nevuses", popularly known as "ME", are structures formed by the proliferation of cells called melanocytes, which produce melanin, which gives color to the skin.
General. These colorful tumoral lesions, which are harmless, are often brown or black in color. Some are raised above the skin, while others are at skin level. They can be congenital or occur later. Moles that extend into the deeper layer of the skin can be observed as “intradermal nevus”skin color.
It shows familial characteristics. It is one of the most common formations in the white race, and is seen less frequently in blacks and dark-skinned people, but is not found in redheads. Areas exposed to sunlight are risky areas for the formation of new moles. These types of moles begin to appear in early childhood. They reach their maximum number in young adulthood. Atypical melanocytic nevi continue to be seen throughout life and are believed to not regress. Atypical melanocytic nevi are precursor lesions for skin cancers called melanoma.
If a NMN is located on the scalp, mucous membrane, genital area, has a rapid change in diameter, is variegated in color, has irregular borders and is expanding, the lesion does not occur without trauma. If the lesion is eroded, if there is constant pain, bleeding or itching in the lesion, it should be seen by a dermatologist (skin diseases specialist).
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