What is the immune system?
The immune system is a defense system of the human body. It is a system that protects our body against bacteria and viruses that cause diseases. The reason for frequent flu in winter is the weak immune system.
So what should we do to protect ourselves from these diseases, how should we keep our immune system strong.
For a strong immune system, first of all, we must have a healthy, adequate and balanced diet to supply the necessary macronutrients (carbohydrate, protein, fat) for our human body. and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals) from food in a balanced way. In this, we must have an adequate and balanced diet. At the same time, stay away from harmful drinks such as cigarettes and alcohol, such harmful drinks cause the immune system to be weak. Stress, physical activity, that is, a sedentary lifestyle also affects the immune system.
Probiotics strengthen the immune system of friendly bacteria against harmful bacteria. Therefore, it is of great importance to consume foods containing probiotics, especially in autumn and winter months, for a strong immune system. Foods and beverages such as fermented milk and dairy products (yogurt, kefir) are probiotics that you can easily consume in your diet.
We should consume plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially in autumn and winter months, and consume plenty of vitamin C. Orange, tangerine, grapefruit, rosehip, kiwi are fruits rich in vitamin C. In addition, red pepper, green pepper, parsley are vegetables rich in vitamin C.
In addition to these, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and B group vitamins play an important role in supporting the immune system. In addition, minerals such as selenium, zinc and iron provide support for the immune system.
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