What is Vaginismus, What are the Causes of Vaginismus? Vaginismus Treatment

Vaginismus is the involuntary and repetitive contraction of the muscles at the entrance of the vagina, which occurs with the stress caused by attempts to penetrate the vagina, which does not allow sexual intercourse, making sexual intercourse painful, painful or impossible.

It is called the situation of being perceived as. This difficulty that the person has in allowing vaginal penetration even though he/she verbally states that he/she wants to do it; It occurs during interference with a penis, finger, tampon, speculum and/or anything else, as well as when imagining the entry of an object or penis into the vagina. In vaginismus, classically there is no penis entry into the vagina. A burning sensation occurs in the genital area and especially in the vagina. In vaginismus, there is a state of contraction, anxiety, fear, disgust and panic throughout the body, especially in the vagina. And vaginismus often suggests in couples that the female partner's vagina is too narrow or her hymen is too thick.

Vaginismus can basically be explained by the existence of this vicious circle; The person receives the signal from the unconscious with the fear of "what if it hurts" and as a defense mechanism to prevent sexual intercourse, she involuntarily tightens herself without having control. The entrance to the vagina, which consists of 2 cm smooth muscles, narrows as the person experiences contractions according to this wrong perception. It hardens and makes intercourse impossible. When the entrance hardens and narrows, any attempt to insert any object into the vagina is perceived as a painful process. Accompanying contractions may occur in other muscle groups, and the person may even feel that his or her breath is stopped. In this case, it is difficult to open one's legs without sexual intercourse. She closes herself tightly to a size that will prevent her from doing so and pushes her partner with her hands. When the intervention in the vaginal area ends, the muscles relax and return to normal. This is wanting sexual intercourse - creating a suitable environment with the partner to try it - fear that it will hurt again, that I will not be able to stand it - involuntary contraction of the vaginal muscles as a defense mechanism in line with this fear - these contractions harden and narrow the entrance to the vagina - making it impossible for the penis to enter the vagina - pushing the partner and causing sexual intercourse togetherness too We call the vicious cycle of vaginismus, where the vaginal muscles end again with this termination (with the unconscious relaxation of the danger-passed command).

 Most women with vaginismus tend to think that their vaginas are narrow and their hymen is thick or even absent. However, these are completely myths. The vagina, by its nature, has a structure that can relax and stretch, and can take a natural shape according to the size of the penis. In other words, vaginismus is not caused by a genital abnormality.



 There are many causes of vaginismus. it could be. It is almost impossible to attribute it to a single cause. However, the causes of vaginismus can be listed as main categories.

1. Anticipatory Fears

Before each sexual intercourse attempt, the person constantly has an expectation anxiety such as "it will hurt, we won't be able to do it again, I won't be able to stand it, I won't succeed". These thoughts have now become automatic in cognition and as a result of these, the "self-fulfilling prophecy" comes into play and the person continues to have a vaginismus nightmare during sexual intercourse.

2. Lack of Knowledge and Insufficient Experience

 Especially in our society, forget about imagining sexuality, talk about it, think about it, ask questions about it, learn about it, and research it. It is stuck in the triple obstacle of "forbidden, sin". People usually learn everything from the first person they have intercourse with and the first sexual intercourse. Lack of experience shows itself in this regard.

3. Sexual Myths-Normal-Superstitions 

 The learned nature of sexuality is greatly influenced by sexual myths, social norms and superstitions. So that; It is even possible to say that sexual disorders are pre-programmed. Many of them appear as learned behaviors. Exaggerated news and articles in the media (stories of the first night with heavy bleeding, t remaining penis stories, stories of pain caused by a large penis, etc.) can cause the perception of "what if it happens to me too" to be established in people's minds over time, which is engraved as fear in people's minds.

Prohibitions and taboos imposed by family and society can also cause vaginismus. Constantly witnessing stories such as "oh, I had a hard time on the first night, my bleeding did not stop for a week, I hope my daughter's is not as tight as mine", listening to stories such as "neighbor Ms. Ayşe, her husband divorced her because she could not satisfy her husband", "she touched her own body" It is not surprising that a woman who is humiliated for discovering it, who is intimidated that God will burn her, who is subjected to violence, who is convinced that "the female body is a treasure that should be hidden" and who is referred to by the family and society on many similar issues, experiences vaginismus.

< p4. Personal Fears and Problems

Perspective on sexuality, fear of sexual intercourse, negative self-perception, negative body image, past problematic sexual intercourses, traumatic experiences such as sexual harassment or rape sexual history… 

5. Problems Between Spouses

Especially those who do not recognize each other's body language, both physical and spiritual expectations, and who have limited verbal or emotional relationships between them, whose marriage or partnership is no longer a dance between two people. The rate of vaginismus is higher in people who see sexuality as a duty towards men, or simply as an obligation to meet men's erotic expectations, shaped by the interventions of relatives.

6. Other Reasons 

• Past sexual abuse experience 

• Fear of pregnancy 

• Fear of pain 

• High anxiety 

• Inadequate sexual education 

• Extreme religious teachings 

• Exposure to shocking sexual imagery in childhood 

• Domestic violence 

• Fear of commitment 

• Having an abusive partner 

• Weak, powerless mother 

• Oppressive, authoritarian father 

• Difficulties in father-daughter relationship 

• Disgust or dislike of sexual organs 

• Forced marriage against their will, dislike of spouse, incompatibility with spouse and communication problems 

• Negative religious and moral conditioning 

• Fear of failure or performance anxiety 

• Fear of losing the hymen


Among the most frequently asked questions is "can vaginismus be treated?" Many women have lost faith that this problem, which has become their nightmare, can be solved. This problem has seriously damaged the relationship with the spouse or partner, family integrity, emotional state, self-esteem and self-compassion, and has made the person hopeless.

 Good news; Vaginismus treatment is definitely a possible problem. Many vaginismus cases have been treated with many proven techniques and active work with the client. The treatment, which is often carried out with the participation of the spouse or partner, can also be arranged individually. After vaginismus treatment, many clients; He gave feedback as follows: "I did not believe that it would happen, that it would get better. My hope that one day I would be able to have a painless, pleasurable relationship was completely destroyed, but it could happen."

NOTE: Vaginismus is NOT a shameful, insoluble, incurable, organic disease! It can definitely be treated and the person can continue his life in a healthy way. Painless, painless, fearless, pleasurable and satisfying sexual intercourse is possible for you, too, just like in thousands of vaginismus cases to date.


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