What Causes Heel Pain? How does it work?

Pain in the lower part of the heel and pain in the back part of the heel. In lower part pain, the pain occurs in the muscle called the plantar fascia that extends from the heel to the big toe. If you have pain in the back of your heel, there is inflammation in the area where the Achilles tendon attaches to the heel bone. definable. These pains, which can be caused by many reasons, may be exacerbated by putting weight on the heel, walking or touching, and in some cases, it may occur even at rest.

The type of pain and the situations in which it is felt are very important in terms of determining the cause. Heel pain after any sporting activity, accident or impact strengthens the possibility that the bone is damaged. In addition, the pain seen in elderly individuals is likely to occur due to bone diseases.

Patients who have heel pain and do not feel better despite resting should apply to health institutions and undergo an examination. As a result of the examination and diagnostic tests to be done, the problem causing heel pain can be determined exactly and a treatment plan can be made.

What are the Symptoms of Heel Pain?

Heel pain, as the name suggests, pain felt in the back or the whole. Other common symptoms associated with pain in health problems that cause heel pain include:

What are the Causes of Heel Pain?

Heel pain is one of the most common questions asked by patients with pain in their heels. What does it indicate is the question. There are many different conditions that can cause heel pain, and it is necessary to be examined by a specialist physician to determine it. Medical imaging techniques should be used.

The most common cause of heel pain among the people is plantar fasciitis, also known as heel spurs. Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the tissue band that extends from the heel bone to the toes. In this tissue band, called the plantar fascia, first irritation and then inflammation develops, resulting in heel pain.

The most common causes of heel spurs are excessive pressure on the foot and structural problems such as excessively flat or high arching of the foot.

In addition, wearing flat and unsupported shoes that are not suitable for foot health on hard floors, standing for long hours during the day and using the feet too much can also cause plantar fasciitis, as the heel is exposed to pressure. Other causes of heel pain besides plantar fasciitis include:

Apart from the above situations, heel pain may occur during pregnancy due to increased body mass. It is also beneficial for expectant mothers who experience this problem severely to undergo a medical examination. A doctor's examination should be done. First of all, the medical history of the patients who apply to health institutions with the problem of heel pain is taken and the diseases they have are learned. If there is a previous surgical operation on the foot, the physician should be informed about this issue.

Then, with the physical examination to be made by the physician, subjects such as in which situations the pain increases or decreases, how it is felt and where the sensitive areas of the foot are are investigated. During this examination, you will not be informed about the disease. Although it is not a disease, decisive ideas can be obtained, especially the possibility of diseases other than plantar fasciitis can be excluded.

Then, if a health problem related to the heel bone is suspected, medical imaging examinations are applied to image the foot bones. Bone-related disorders can be easily detected with X-ray imaging, which is usually performed using X-rays. In the light of the findings, the cause of heel pain is determined and the treatment process is started. If it is not, he can wait for the pain to heal for a few days by doing some applications at home.

At this stage, practices such as resting as much as possible, applying ice compresses to the heel several times a day, choosing orthopedic shoes, and using painkillers purchased in consultation with primary health care institutions can be done. If the pain does not improve or intensifies, a physician should be consulted.

Heel pain treatment plan is shaped depending on the cause of the pain. In the non-surgical treatment process of heel spur, which is the most common cause of heel pain, heel pain exercises can be performed, stepping on bare feet can be avoided, ice compresses can be applied, orthopedic shoes can be used, and physical activities that put pressure on the heel can be avoided.

In case of heel pain that does not heal within a few weeks despite these applications, different treatment approaches may be recommended by the physician.
In most of the plantar fasciitis patients, it is possible to cure the disease and relieve heel pain with the above non-surgical treatment applications. However, although it is rare, in some patients, it may be necessary to resort to surgical interventions if there is no response to these applications. In this case, the operation technique is determined in line with the treatment plan that the physician and the patient will make together, and the surgical treatment is performed.

After all surgical or non-surgical treatment, there are precautions that patients should pay attention to for a long time in order to prevent recurrence. These include:
Complying completely with the recommendations of the physician in this regard is of great importance for the treatment of the disease.

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