Many therapy models try to open new ways of thinking by listening to the client talk about their problems and providing them with loving support, or provide new information that can be applied to old problems. At the end of this process, the adult usually knows how to think and act, but still cannot implement it or ensure its continuity. This causes people to feel unsuccessful and angry at themselves for not being able to take full advantage of new information. These kinds of feelings are usually accompanied by “I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I just do!” It is reflected in expressions such as.
Thus, the adult, the logical side of the person, knows the steps that need to be taken and wants to succeed, but somehow the other parts cannot do it. In other words, logic is in conflict with emotions, and emotions appear to be winning the battle. This is a distressing experience for a person who wants to control their life and often causes them to blame themselves. They call themselves 'weak' or 'useless'. Why do people with strong reasoning abilities get trapped in unwanted behavior or emotions?
PICT therapy model is built on the knowledge that all kinds of problems that the adult cannot understand and solve with new information are hidden in the subconscious, in the child part of the person (the subconscious part where the memories of the person's younger self are located). . In other words, the unresolved problem relates to emotions and associated beliefs that began in childhood and are no longer consciously remembered. Even so, they continue to play an active role in a person's adult life. There is no 'child' inside, but there are very real feelings once felt as children, and those feelings, good or not, form our experiences in our adult lives. Dr. Itzhak Fried's work on brain activity also provides direct biological evidence that the neurons that fire when a memory comes from the past are the ones most active when the event occurs. Our consciousness may not be aware that a 'today' problem is directly related to a childhood experience, but our active subconscious makes the connection quickly and easily - activating the beliefs formed at that time.
The confusion caused by not being able to use new information. The reason is that information must be given to the child through the adult state. Because knowledge does not automatically pass from adult to child. This is just like the manager's knowledge is not automatically passed on to the field staff. Companies have learned that field personnel must be personally trained to benefit from training. If you want the child part to benefit from new information, this must be specifically told to the child part. PICT is designed so that the adult can provide positive new information to the child part (who is operating with old, outdated information and false beliefs). It then aims to change the perspective and solve the problems.
PICT teaches us that the basic beliefs we have about ourselves, others or the world are learned during childhood, at an age when we cannot yet decide whether the information is true or false. Because this happens so early in the process, the information/beliefs appear as if they were factual information that was always there. In other words, it is difficult for the client to think in terms of 'belief', it seems as if it is something bigger - it feels like the truth about identity ('This is how I am'), others ('People are like this'), or the world ('This is how life is').
This belief learning process is fine if we have emotionally healthy families that parent well, because then most of our beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world are positive, realistic, and supportive. However, the beliefs we learn in dysfunctional families or parents with poor parenting skills are wrong and restrictive. For example: I'm not good enough, I can't do anything, No one can be trusted, There is no security, I am not worthy of being loved. While these false beliefs learned in childhood are almost invisible to us, they remain active in the background and affect our decision-making processes, our self-confidence, our relationships and our ability to motivate ourselves. Because beliefs are 'invisible' to our logic, we become confused and stressed when we know we should not act in a certain way and we do it anyway.
Transactional Analysis reveals the 'child', 'adult' and 'parent' aspects (ego states) of individuals and in itself, in another It recommends understanding the functions of these aspects when solving problems. PICT takes this accepted method and reframes it for a rapid, detailed, permanent and gentle solution to ongoing problems, undesirable behaviors and past traumas.
The PICT model uses the client's subconscious to obtain specific information in order to identify the root cause of ongoing problems and undesirable behaviors. helps you achieve it. Then, using specific PICT techniques, the 'adult part' of the client (with the guidance of the PICT Practitioner) gives the 'child part' the necessary information, love and support. These PICT techniques contain the content needed to change the belief and therefore change the perspective of the 'child part'. In order for a person to have positive and harmonious beliefs about himself, the 'child' and 'adult' parts must be strengthened. Basically, the client is brought to the desired emotional freedom by passing through unwanted behaviors and feelings. During this process, the 'parent' part automatically acquires new attitudes and skills to replace negative and self-destructive conversations.
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