Hymen, among the public, is a fold of membrane-like tissue with a thickness of 2-3 mm, known as hymen in medical science, and located 2-3 cm inside, covering the entrance to the external sexual organs of women. It was named after Hymenaeus, the god of marriage and weddings in ancient Greek mythology. This special tissue, which can take different shapes, is located in the shape of a crescent at the entrance to the vagina of the female sexual organ. It is surrounded by thin and capillary vessels.
It is known as the membrane because it is called the hymen. Actually it is not. External sex development occurs in the embryo between the 7th and 12th weeks of pregnancy. During this time, the genital walls come together and form the scrotum in boys and the labia minora and labia majora in girls. The membranous tissue remaining in the middle of this separation is called hymen. During the first sexual intercourse, this tissue expands or tears and bleeds. For this reason, the girl's virginity is associated with it in most societies. This tissue deterioration has been accepted as deterioration of virginity in women. However, it is not fully understood that a woman has sexual intercourse with her hymen. Additionally, one in every 1000 women is born without a hymen. Some women do not experience bleeding during the first intercourse.
Types of Membrane
Round Ring: It is also called Annular Hymen. It has a circular ring shape with a hole in the middle. It may not tear even if a large penis enters. In popular parlance, it is called flexible membrane. It is seen in 60%-95% of cases.
Half Moon Dice: It is in the form of a half moon called Crescent Hymen. In the upper part, the membrane is thin. It is seen at a rate of 3.5% – 20%. It generally does not tear during intercourse
Intermediate Membrane: There is a tissue in the middle that divides the membrane. It is seen in 5%.
Multi-Perforated Ribriform Membrane: It is described as cribriform hymen. There are multiple holes in the middle part, not a single one. It is seen at a rate of 1%.
Perforated Membrane: The middle part is without holes. The vaginal entrance is also completely closed. It can be seen in one in 2000 girls. These girls do not experience menstrual bleeding. Blood accumulates in the vagina and causes pain. It must be opened with a surgical procedure.
Small hole membrane: It is a type of membrane with a small hole in the middle. Menstrual bleeding is painful.
Hymen is important in many countries of the world. It is the diagnostic image and proof of whether you are with a man or not. Many girls, although innocent, fall victim to slander because bleeding does not occur. Hymen repair is performed by gynecologists and it is these physicians who can determine whether the procedure has been done before or not. There are two types of hymen repair.
Permanent: It is an aesthetic procedure performed before sexual intercourse or before marriage. It should be done by experienced physicians. Just as it doesn't matter when the hymen was broken, the number of relationships doesn't matter either. There is a possibility of bleeding like the original membrane.
Temporary: It is performed by placing stitches on the hymen 3 days before marriage. There is no bleeding or risk in both. The process is completed within 30 minutes. After the operation, painkillers with antibiotic properties are used. Genital tension should be avoided after the pen. It is necessary to stay away from loneliness and give importance to cleanliness.
It would be more accurate to call it the first intercourse rather than the first night. According to unreal statistics, some of the women experience their first intercourse before marriage. The first experience is important for women. The most important problems in couples are inability to orgasm and delayed ejaculation. The main reason for this is having a traumatic sexual intercourse experience in previous life. It cannot be seen as a strange situation, because during the first examination, there are cases of hymen rupture, bleeding and pain. The experience of being together under inappropriate conditions, especially with a man who neglects this important detail, can have permanent psychological effects.
Virginity and Hymen
A problem in society. There is perception. The intact hymen indicates the girl's virginity. The absence of bleeding during intercourse is also a sign of this. However, this perception causes many innocent girls to become victims. In such cases, it should not be assumed that the girl has had a relationship before. For different reasons, due to the shape of the membrane, the expected result does not occur even though the girl is a virgin in the first intercourse. Knows.
Hymen Location
It is located 1 to 1.5 cm inside the entrance of the vagina. It has a thin structure. As far as is known, neither anatomically nor physiologically, the hymen has no function. There are those who think that it has preventive properties against some systemic infections. But there is no evidence.
Anatomical Structure
It is the entrance to the vagina and a fold of tissue called mucosa. It is not inside the vagina, but 1 cm inside the lips. It depends on the labia majora. The part facing the outside is connected to the skin, and the part facing the inside of the vagina is connected to the mucosa.
The tissue that is hard in childhood becomes flexible in adolescence. The type and shape of the membrane varies in each woman. Bleeding during intercourse depends on the membrane hole and its flexibility.
Success and Pain in First Intercourse
90% of it is thin and flexible. As soon as the woman feels fully ready, the fluid release of the area involved in foreplay should be increased and wetness should be ensured. The man should act softly and avoid coercive movements. In this case, in case of membrane rupture, the woman does not feel or feels less pain.
Bleeding During First Intercourse
The perception that one is not a virgin if there is no bleeding during first intercourse is accepted in some cultures, but this is the truth. It is not. Every woman's body is different. In some women, bleeding does not occur due to the elasticity of the membrane. Bleeding does not mean that the membrane is damaged. It may also be caused by different factors.
Sometimes, the membrane may not rupture in the first or few attempts. The reason for this is not that the membrane is thick. The main reason is that the woman does not feel herself and is stiff. If there is not enough wetness in the vagina, penile penetration will be difficult.
There is very little bleeding and rupture of the body. Excessive bleeding is due to insufficient foreplay. Most of the time, men don't care about women feeling pain and force it. Sudden tearing occurs more than it should. In cases of abnormal rupture, bleeding may last even half an hour. In some tears, bleeding takes a very long time. Stopping is done with regional anesthesia.
A woman's tenseness and a man's hasty and harsh behavior lead to undesirable consequences. There will be excessive bleeding and pain. Surgical intervention is required.
Excessive bleeding due to the thick membrane. It may last for 2 or 3 days.
Any foreign object that enters or is inserted into the vagina can damage the membrane. It causes damage.
Can the hymen be broken by friction?
There have been no cases of hymen being broken by friction.
It cannot be damaged, but it is an inappropriate intercourse in terms of health and ethical modesty. It brings with it many health problems.
Can one tell when and how the hymen has been ruptured?
Instant repair may be possible. Detection becomes impossible when 7 or 10 days pass without rupture. It cannot be understood by examination how and what caused the tearing.
Fear and anxiety make the job difficult. Lubricant can be used with the advice of a doctor.
Can it be understood how many people she has had intercourse with before?
It is difficult to understand how many men and how many times a woman has had intercourse unless she keeps count.
The gynecologist can understand when and if the hymen is ruptured. However, they have the right to refuse this examination unless they are a medical doctor.
Can you get pregnant while being a virgin?
It is not necessary for the hymen to be torn for pregnancy. It is possible for couples with young fertility to experience some intimacy during their engagement phase. This close proximity to the vagina may also cause ejaculation in general. Because the sperm are motile, they can quickly settle into the inner parts and initiate pregnancy.
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