Chronic venous insufficiency, varicose veins

Varicose veins are a disease whose history is as long as the history of humanity. B.C. It can be noticed even in statues dating back to the 400th year. Contrary to popular belief, varicose veins are not a disease; is a result. Varicose veins are called varicose veins when the superficial veins grow irregularly, become twisted, and form folds. This disease, which is mostly seen in the legs due to gravity, occurs in approximately 25 out of every hundred people in the world, in other words, in one out of every 4 people.

It is estimated that 10 million people in our country suffer from this disease to varying degrees. However, it is possible to get rid of varicose veins in a short time, which can cause serious health problems if treatment is delayed.
