Introducing children to the dentist from the age of 2, when they have no problems, is a very important investment for their future psychological structure. Children who meet with the dentist for routine check-ups when they have no aches and pains will easily come to the dentist and have their treatments done when needed in the future. Meanwhile, parents' approach is also very important. They should not say frightening things to their children about the dentist and dental treatments, and should not make frightening approaches to their children. For example, in order to get people to listen to their words, they should not say phrases such as "Look, the doctor comes and gives you an injection." may exhibit such behavior. The methods used to enable these children to receive dental treatment by increasing their compliance with the physician are called behavioral guidance. By providing behavioral guidance, efforts are made to relieve your child's anxiety and fear about dental treatment. Dental treatment should never be performed by tying one's hands and hands. In addition to your child's general and dental health, his psychological health is also important to us.

1 . Tell-show-apply technique: It is the technique of explaining all the procedures to be performed before the examination or treatment, in accordance with the age of the child, and introducing all the tools and materials to be used.

2. Positive encouragement:It is the verbal appreciation by the physician of the child's positive behavior during examination or treatment.

If the mentioned behavioral guidance techniques fail, conscious hypnosis or sedation may be required.

  • Milk teeth contain more organic matter than normal teeth. They melt, therefore they are more prone to decay, they rot more easily and quickly.
  • Children cannot interpret signals such as cold-hot sensitivity and mild pain, which can be seen in the early stages of decay, in a timely manner. They only realize the problem when the pain becomes unbearable, in which case it may be too late.
  • Children cannot pay as much attention to oral care as adults. The child's dexterity, curiosity and the parent's attitude determine the tooth brushing habit.
  • A mistake that mothers often make is to fill the pacifier or bottle with sugar, jam, etc. They should be given to children by dipping them in foods such as sugar, or they should be introduced to foods such as sweetened milk and fruit juice during sleep breaks. Thus, teeth become prone to decay due to nutritional irregularity.
  • A vaccine or medicine that can completely prevent decay has not yet been developed. However, preventive treatments can be applied by using some materials to reduce the number of cavities.
    Preventive treatments are procedures that prevent the formation of tooth decay and gum diseases.

    1. Fluoride Applications: Fluoride applications, which are among the protective procedures, are used by systemic (taken orally)or topical (acting on the teeth)methods. Systemic fluoride can be taken from water or prescribed by a physician in tablet form. Keep fluoride tablets out of reach of children. If used in excessive doses, poisoning may occur with sweating, nausea, vomiting, and muscle contraction. In this case, you should go to the nearest health institution without wasting time. What is applied in the clinic: Topical fluoride is in the form of gel or varnish and is applied to the teeth by the dentist every 3-6 months. Before applying fluorides to the teeth, it may be necessary to remove the plaque and tartar that accumulate on the teeth and cause gum disease with appropriate tools and then polish the teeth with pastes suitable for the teeth. Following the application of fluoride to the teeth, eating/drinking etc. recommended by the physician. restrictions must be observed.

    2. Fissure Sealants:Fissure sealant, which is another protective process, It is the covering of decay-prone areas on the indented and protruding surfaces of the teeth with special filling materials.
    What is the importance of milk teeth?

    The first duty of milk teeth is to ensure proper nutrition of the child. In addition, the proper development of speech depends on the presence of milk teeth.
    Milk teeth protect the space they occupy for the permanent tooth that will replace them and guide the permanent tooth while it erupts.
    When the milk tooth is extracted early, this natural placeholder function is eliminated.

    • Should caries in baby teeth be treated?

    Untreated baby tooth caries causes pain, bad odor, difficulty in chewing. It causes malnutrition and ugly appearance. Untreated dental disorders during this period may cause crooked teeth, jaw development disorders and general health problems (from rheumatism to heart diseases) in the future. Therefore, caries in milk teeth should be treated without making the mistake of "new ones will replace them anyway".
    Can root canal treatment be applied to milk teeth?

    Yes. Root canal treatment should be applied to milk teeth that cannot be treated with fillings if they have a certain amount of roots.

    Tooth Injuries in Children

    In accidents where children's teeth are damaged, intervention should be made without wasting time. It is very important to make a correct diagnosis. For this, your doctor will tell you when and where the accident happened, from which side the blow came, fainting after the accident, vomiting, memory loss, etc. The most appropriate treatment can be applied in line with the information given. Dental injuries in children can sometimes cause the permanent tooth to completely separate from its socket. In this case, you should immediately go to your dentist with the emerging tooth. Meanwhile, the tooth should be kept in a glass of milk or, if milk is not available, in clean water.

    • When Should Dental Care Begin in Children?

    Parents should pay attention to their children's oral hygiene from the moment their first milk teeth begin to erupt. Even if the teeth of very young babies cannot be brushed, the baby's mouth should be cleaned after meals. Some water should be given and the teeth should be wiped with a clean cloth. As the teeth begin to emerge, the child should be given a toothbrush and allowed to play with it. After the age of 1, parents can gently brush babies' teeth with small toothbrushes without paste. When dexterity develops, the child should be taught and encouraged to brush his teeth.
    Brushing should be done in front of a mirror with a parent or one of the siblings. Since it is not possible for children to brush their teeth ideally before the age of 5, when brushing is finished, the parent should check the remaining teeth and remove any debris.

    • Which toothpaste should be used in children and how much?

    The use of toothpaste is not recommended in infancy and children up to the age of three. Toothpaste use should start after the age of three. But 3-5cm as you see in advertisements. Not, a paste the size of a roasted chickpea will be enough for brushing.
    When starting to use toothpaste, any of the fluoride toothpastes can be preferred. The important thing is that the child likes and desires the taste of the chosen paste.
    It should not be forgotten that effective brushing is more important than the paste in the brushing process.

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