Social Phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder)
Social phobia individuals experience intense anxiety with the thought that they may be judged by other people, and stay away from society due to the fear of being embarrassed and disgraced in social environments. It is a variant of anxiety disorder in which people remain shy.
People avoid situations and environments where they need to communicate, especially with people they do not know or have just met. They may experience anxiety that others will notice that their hands or voice are shaking while speaking.
Symptoms of Social Phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder)
The following symptoms are observed for at least six months;
People feel a distinct fear or anxiety in social situations such as meeting strangers, eating together, or performing (making a presentation) in front of others.
People are afraid of behaving in a way that could be evaluated negatively. (In a way that makes one feel humiliated and ashamed)
Social situations almost always create fear or anxiety.
From social situations They avoid or endure such situations with an intense feeling of anxiety and fear.
Fear, anxiety or avoidance situations disrupt the person's quality of life in terms of functionality in social or work-related areas.
Social Phobia Treatment and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
CBT involves recognizing feelings of anxiety and the physiological reactions created by these feelings, evaluating thoughts in anxiety-provoking situations, and treating anxiety-provoking situations. There are processes such as developing coping mechanisms.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety is a part of human life. Exams, family problems, work stress, responsibilities, busy schedules and work to be completed can make everyone slightly anxious. However, in generalized anxiety disorder, there is a state of anxiety that is persistent, severe and does not correspond to the current situation. A person may feel anxious even if there is no reason to worry or any real threat in the environment.
Excessive anxiety negatively affects the person's life and functionality in work, family and social life. affects in this direction. The person may come to a point where he cannot continue his activities in daily life.
People who experience this disorder often find themselves thinking about the worst case scenario.
Symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder
The following symptoms may affect the person. Although it varies from person to person, it has been seen for the last six months or more.
Restlessness or being constantly on edge
Fatigue easily
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Difficulty focusing or mental blankness.
Getting angry easily
Muscle tension
Difficulty falling or staying asleep.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder Treatment and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
In cognitive behavioral therapy, clients are given psycho-education about their illness and then awareness is created about their erroneous thinking styles. An attempt is made to reduce anxiety and fear reactions by consciously and gradually confronting clients with situations, thoughts or objects that they worry about.
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