Today, October 10, is World Mental Health Day. The 2017 theme of World Mental Health Day, celebrated since 1992, was determined as "Mental Health at Work". According to World Health Organization data, it has been determined that more than 300 million people in the world have depressive disorder and more than 250 million people have anxiety disorder.
The 2017 theme is "Mental at Work". Having 'health' turns the arrows into problems in the work environment. There appears to be an increase in the number of people experiencing burnout syndrome at work in Turkey and around the world. The symptoms of burnout syndrome are similar to depression. During the burnout process, the person begins to lose enthusiasm for his work and lose interest in those around him. These people have low job performance, are anxious and tense. Anger and aggressive behavior may be seen in these people. While unemployment is a risk factor for the development of mental illnesses such as depression, negative work life also affects mental health immensely. Being unhappy with one's job reduces productivity, disrupts interpersonal relationships, and leads to an unsatisfied life. While some employees complain about their bosses, some are dissatisfied with the
salary they receive. Some people do not like their colleagues or do not enjoy their work.
Problems in the workplace do not arise only from the work environment. At the same time, if a person has psychological problems, this reflects negatively on his business life. If the person is not aware of the problem he has, it will be inevitable for problems to arise in his business life. For example, a person with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) has difficulty concentrating on work and does not understand why. First of all, one must be aware of oneself. If there are situations that constantly go wrong or cause discomfort, it will be useful for people to get psychological support. Also, "What does my job mean to me?" Am I doing what I love? Am I successful in my job? Asking oneself questions such as "What are the reasons why I don't enjoy doing my job?" will help the person increase his awareness with the answers he gives.
For a Healthy Work Environment
.Boss, work It should express its expectations to its employees in a clear language.
.It is very important for managers and employees to have a healthy communication.
.Attempts should be made to increase the work motivation of employees.
.Employees' successes should be appreciated.< br /> .Managers should not be insensitive to employees' problems and should care about them.
.It would be beneficial for companies to employ psychologists.
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