Sea water has extremely positive effects on our health. Research shows that sea water has many positive physical and psychological effects on humans. Nearly 100 substances found in the human body are also found in sea water. Seawater has been used for healing purposes in many ages due to the substances it contains such as calcium carbonate, sulfate, potassium chloride, magnesium chloride, magnesium sulfate, zinc and iodine. In this regard, sea water
is a storehouse of mineral salts, amino acids and trace elements like blood plasma. We can say that sea water is especially effective in the treatment of asthma, allergic diseases and chronic sinusitis. Salt water cleans all
sinus tracts and ensures complete emptying of the upper and lower respiratory tract with the beneficial bacteria it contains.
Pure sea water, known as "ocean water" in recent years, is used in the treatment of post-operative infections in the nose. We recommend it to many patients, from babies to babies who have breathing difficulties for various reasons. In addition, swimming is a very effective physical therapy in terms of increasing the capacity of the lungs.
In summer, our defense system is strengthened thanks to the sun rays and the vitamin D we store in our body. Sea air, loaded with negative ions that accelerate our absorption of oxygen, increases the amount of oxygen in the blood, increases thyroid activity and helps us be happy by fighting against stress. I recommend you to expose yourself to the sea and the sun often before the summer ends.
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