One of the frequently asked questions lately is, how can we cope with the current uncertainty?
Uncertainty is one of the key triggers for anxiety. Emotions such as anxiety and fear enable us to survive in the face of uncertainty. The problem is in our modern world, this response function is different than in ancient times. In today's world, everything is very fast and most uncertainties have been resolved. For example; Instead of waiting for the next episode of a TV series we watch, we can sit down and watch all the episodes one after the other. When going somewhere, navigation finds the most comfortable route without traffic for us and eliminates uncertainty by giving us information about how long our journey will take. We do not have to wait for letters for days or even weeks. A few seconds are enough to communicate with each other, to find out that each other is okay. As a result, we have become a little lazy when it comes to managing anxiety. Maybe this is the reason why anxiety complaints have increased so much lately...
In this period when we are perhaps exposed to the most uncertainty in a long time during the pandemic, our goal should be to manage and cope with uncertainty rather than how to reduce it. I have a few suggestions to make it easier for you.
Try not to think about all the potential possibilities that do not exist. Instead, think 'What can I do today?' So, be busy with the near future, not the long future.
Rather than being afraid, focus on what you can do by thinking about what makes sense. (Following the recommendations of the authorities, taking care of your loved ones, getting closer to yourself…)
Discover the things that give you pleasure and help you relax and continue to do them persistently.
Stay connected to the people you care about.
Try to let go of the things you can't control, I know it's hard, but try to convince yourself to remember the things it doesn't bring any benefit to and can even take away from you. .
Do not hesitate to share the emotional difficulties you experience with your loved ones. Seeing that you are not alone will help you accept it more easily.
If you are not getting any results despite trying these items, consult a specialist. I recommend you.
Have a healthy day…
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