Nurseries and Child Education – 1

There are certain periods in the life of human beings:

0 – 3 years: Infancy and early childhood,
3 – 6 years: Preschool period,
6 – 12 years: School period. ,
13 years and above: Adolescence,
…. Adulthood

Sociability comes to the fore in children by the third age. At earlier ages (0 - 3 years), the home environment is sufficient.

After the age of three, the home environment is not enough. From now on, the child will need to be among peers. Today, this need is met by pre-school institutions, which we call nurseries and kindergartens. Because they know this need of their children, mothers in developed countries send their children to pre-school institutions, even if they are housewives. We do not want to send our children away just because they are too early.

I think the reason for this is that our families, as a society, are very protective. When I recommend kindergarten to families, especially after the age of 3, many families say, "We will get tired of school and then have problems in primary school." In developed countries, mothers who send their children to kindergarten do not say "they will get bored", they do not even think about it. So, why do we say "tired"? Because the mother does not want her child to be separated from her. She always wants him to keep an eye on her, in fact, she doesn't want to leave her child. He develops a defense mechanism and says "he gets tired of school". The attachment between mother and child turns into addiction.

Children need to break away from us after the age of three and have a world of their own and gain independence. 95% of children who experience school phobia in primary school are children who did not go to pre-school institutions.

Well, a generation or two ago, pre-school institutions did not exist that much and we, as parents, did not go to kindergarten, most of us only went to the preparatory class when we were 6 years old. How did we become among our peers and socialize?

We grew up in families with many children,
Neighborhood, kinship and friendship relations were very good and rich, we grew up together in each other's houses,
We had a garden and a street. Everyone knew and trusted each other.

So we used our bodies and ran, fell - got up, fought - loved, played, beat - lost, shared. All of these met our kindergarten needs. Now, none of these exist in cities. Same in big cities Most people living in the apartment do not know each other or there are no children of the same age in the same apartment. We can no longer trust the street, unless you live in a secure site, you should not leave your children on the street.

These are the things you should pay attention to before giving your child to a pre-school institution after the age of three:

Three – choose a school as close to your home as possible for the four-year age group. Visit at least 3-4 schools. There is definitely a school that meets your criteria and expectations.
As for pre-primary school, I recommend the pre-school of that school you will send your child to. Your child should start primary school by learning the education system and style of that institution. In this way, if a problem occurs in primary school, it is solved very quickly: Because the child starts the first grade with a pre-school file, the school gets to know the child very well.

Do not ask your child's opinion when choosing a school. Children don't get to decide which school they go to. They are just looking at the toys and the exterior appeal of the building. You, adults, should decide which school to choose.

What happens if we do not send our child to kindergarten after the age of three? Since the home is no longer sufficient, behavioral problems and problems begin somewhere in the child. Screen time is increasing.

I say to parents who do not send their children to kindergarten for any reason and who say that they will always take care of their children and play with them:

We are not children. We cannot be children either. We play with them as if they were adults. We always see their mistakes and correct them, give them advice, and interfere in everything. After about an hour, we get tired of being a child and look for ways to get rid of the game.

Some mothers also say, "He's always up my skirt, he doesn't do anything without me." I feel like I'm suffocating now. Save me. What should I do?" They ask.

We, parents, must learn to separate and disconnect from our children. If you have the opportunity to attend a kindergarten, you should definitely send it. So, what will you do if you don't have any kindergarten opportunities? You will take your child to environments with many children. You will take a child into your home. You will meet with families with children. You will take your child to playgrounds and playgrounds. You will use outdoor environments a lot.

Our children We would be doing them an injustice if we said that we send them to nurseries, kindergartens and kindergartens just to socialize and play. Here, children also receive quality and age-appropriate education, and they learn to learn through play. For children receiving pre-school education, if they have a problem, their teachers quickly identify it and report it to their families. Thus, problems can be resolved early: Learning difficulties, attention deficit, hyperactivity, behavioral problems, asociality, fine or gross motor retardation, etc.

As parents, we may not be able to objectively see such problems that our child may have. And we might be late. Early diagnosis is especially important in child development, as 0 to 6 years of age is the most important period in brain development. Children diagnosed before the age of six get a solution much faster.

I recommend that some children between the ages of 2 and 3 go to nursery. You can start with half a day 2 - 3 days a week, and if it goes well and there are no health problems, the number of days can be increased, provided that it is limited to half a day. The child should take his afternoon nap at home. Who do I recommend it to:

If the child is alone at home, has no friends,
Screen: If he spends a lot of time with television, computer, tablet, mobile phone,
There is little opportunity to take him outside.
If the parents' working hours are too long.

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