Intelligence Test
In case of a real need (situations such as clues that there are attention problems, difficulty in learning processes, a situation different from the average age, neuropsychological evaluation), consult experts. There are intelligence tests that provide very important data. Today, the most important of these is the Weschsler Intelligence Scale for Children – IV (Wisc-IV Intelligence Test). Since the old intelligence test version, WISC-R, belongs to the 1980 norms, its application is not accepted today, its results are invalid and its application is unethical (when the WISC-R test is applied, the child's performance is determined to be higher than it is and many children at normal levels are labeled as 'superior'). It is important for applicants to pay attention to this information, as we know that it is still applied.
WISC-IV Intelligence Test
WISC – IV (WISC- 4), whose validity and reliability are accepted today ) Intelligence Test is a clinical measurement tool (Wisc-IV, Pearson) that is administered individually and measures the cognitive abilities of children between the ages of 6 years 0 months and 16 years 11 months.
10 basic subtests are used in the WISC-IV evaluation. 5 substitute subtests are used when necessary. The 10 basic subtests used are grouped under 4 main headings. Each title aims to measure a separate mental skill. In summary, under 4 main headings; There are grouped tests to measure verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory and processing speed.
The subtests in the Verbal Comprehension group are; It aims to measure verbal reasoning, verbal comprehension, concept formation, verbal knowledge and verbal expression ability. It measures the ability to understand auditory stimuli, access information encoded verbally in long-term memory, and express responses verbally. It evaluates language and cultural proficiency and academic success.
Perceptual Reasoning subtests in the group; It measures perceptual reasoning and perceptual organization. Visual perception and organization measures reasoning abilities using visually presented nonverbal material. Some subtests evaluate visual motor coordination (hand-eye coordination) and speed, visual-spatial and fluid reasoning. Cultural experience and school b It reflects less attention than verbal comprehension. In summary, it evaluates non-verbal, visual reasoning functions.
Tests in the Working Memory group; It measures short-term auditory memory, auditory attention, concentration and working memory. The skills in this group are related to learning processes.
Processing Speed tests in the group; mental processing speed measures letter-motor processing speed. It measures visual perception and organization, visual scanning, competent control and maintenance of attention, and skills under time pressure. Skills in this group are linked to attention skills.
WISC-IV Test; In short, it is applied to recognize the child's mental skills, understand his intelligence status, and see which skills are strong and which skills need support. Learning difficulties in the child, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, school adaptation problems, course failure, perception, friendship-communication problems, social anxiety, school phobia, etc. It shows whether many psychological symptoms such as are related to the level of intelligence. When necessary, treatment and therapy processes are planned in a healthy way according to the test results.
Test Duration
The application of the entire test takes approximately 1-1.5 hours. continues. However, the test duration may vary depending on each child's study speed and motivation level. For this reason, it may sometimes take up to 2 hours. Repeat (re-administration) of the WISC-IV test can be performed again after at least 1 year has passed since the first application. It is not recommended to be applied more than once in the same year.
WISC-IV Report
Reporting is generally divided into experts and family. Giving information containing scores to the family is not recommended in order to avoid labeling the child. For this reason, the family is informed that includes verbal information and suggestions that do not include the scores of the result. When the referral for the intelligence test is made by another expert (the child's doctor, teacher, etc.), the evaluation report resulting from the test is delivered to the expert with the knowledge and approval of the family.
*WISC-4 Intelligence Test,only WISC-IV Application Certificate issued by the Turkish Psychologists Association It can be applied by qualified psychologists
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