Hemorrhoids (Hemorrhoids)

Hemorrhoids consist of pillow-like clusters located just under the mucous membrane lining the lower part of the rectum and anus. Hemorrhoid disease is a condition in which these clusters swell in the veins around the anus or in the lower rectum. This disease, which can develop internally or externally, manifests itself as internal and external hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids develop in the anus and rectum. External hemorrhoids develop in the outer area of ​​the anus. This disease, also known as hemorrhoids among the public, can cause various symptoms such as pain, severe itching and difficulty sitting.

Hemorrhoid Symptoms

Hemorrhoid disease, also known as hemorrhoids among the public, can cause some symptoms. It shows itself. Among the most prominent features of hemorrhoid disease:

⦁ Extreme itching around the anus,
⦁ Irritation around the anus,
⦁ Pain around the anus,
⦁ Lump or swelling near the anus,
⦁ Incontinence of feces,
⦁ Painful bowel movements,
⦁ Bleeding around the anus after defecation.

The above-mentioned symptoms are the most common symptoms in individuals with hemorrhoid disease. It is located between. This disease, which is extremely painful and disturbing, can cause the formation of different diseases if left untreated.

Causes of Hemorrhoids

Research on hemorrhoids shows that it is not clear what causes this disease to develop. He specifies the possible factors as follows.

⦁ Disorders in bowel movements,
⦁ Complications arising from chronic constipation,
⦁ Sitting on the toilet for a long time,
⦁ Family history of hemorrhoids ,
⦁ Cancer etc. It may occur as a side effect of medical treatments such as.

Hemorrhoid Diagnosis

In order to diagnose hemorrhoid disease, the anus must be examined. To confirm the diagnosis, abnormalities inside the anus are checked and necessary procedures are applied. These checks are called digital rectal examination. During this examination, your rectum will be examined with gloves and a lubricated device. In case of an abnormal situation, a test called sigmoidoscopy may be performed. This application is a small It involves looking at the rectum with the help of a paste.

Hemorrhoids can often be passed on genetically from parents to children. Therefore, if your parents have hemorrhoids, your risk of having the same disease increases. Constant heavy lifting, obesity or strain on your body increases the risk of hemorrhoids. On the other hand, sitting too much and anal sexual intercourse increases the risk of hemorrhoids. At the same time, the growth of the uterus during pregnancy may cause disease due to the pressure applied to the anus area.

MDK Method
Hemorrhoid treatment with the MDK method, known as the definitive solution for hemorrhoid treatment, is the treatment of the hemorrhoid area by applying radiofrequency and laser using local anesthesia, sedation or spinal anesthesia. While the patient does not experience any pain, soreness or bleeding during the operation, the procedure is described as a treatment rather than a surgery. Since no incision is made on the patient during the procedure, hemorrhoid treatment with the MDK method is called non-surgical hemorrhoid treatment.

What types of hemorrhoids can appear in the hemorrhoids

Grade I: Visible hemorrhoids that do not prolapse
Grade II : Hemorrhoids that prolapse but subside on their own
Grade III:  Hemorrhoids that prolapse and require manual reduction
Grade IV: Hemorrhoids that cannot be reduced

In addition to other surgical hemorrhoid treatments, the most permanent results in patients The MDK method, which gives results, reaches the result after a procedure time of approximately 15 minutes. During the procedure, high-tech laser beams that can transfer heat up to 90 degrees are applied to the hemorrhoid area. Thus, denaturation occurs in the hemorrhoid area. After the procedure, the patient can be discharged on the same day.

Hemorrhoids are a health problem that reduces the quality of life and makes the person feel uncomfortable in many activities in daily life.

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