Panic attack is a common disorder. Panic attacks are based on modeling the caregiver who had the panic attack or the fear of being killed.
The person either has conscious or unconscious fears about being killed or has modeled people who had panic attacks in their childhood. If someone tries to kill you, you either run away, fight, or freeze. Adrenaline hormone is needed to escape and fight. During a panic attack, the adrenaline hormone is secreted in excess. What happens with adrenaline during a panic attack is this; Muscles contract, heart beats excessively, energy increases excessively. . .
The person must spend this energy to discharge it. For example, if adrenaline is secreted and one starts running, the person will not feel these, but you are not running. When a panic attack occurs, because you stand still, there is a burst of energy in your body, and this creates symptoms; rapid breathing, numbness of the hands due to the decrease in calcium in the blood, dizziness, feeling cold, etc. If you want to get rid of your disease, you must know your enemy well, so it is important to establish a cause and effect relationship and understand the reason for the biological changes in your body. . .
As you think about your panic attack, ask yourself two questions; Who did I model as a child, who in the family had panic attacks? - Find it and decompose. For example: My mother also had panic attacks when I was a child, so I modeled it after her. Fear of death is an emotion that belongs to my mother, my mother is someone else and I am someone else.
Who was the authority figure I had when I was little, who am I afraid of killing me?
- Find her and confront her. For example: As a child, my father was the dominant one at home and he got angry at most things. I was afraid of my father. But now I give my father the right to behave like this, and I give myself the right not to be affected by this situation.
Since the fear of death is at its core, imagining one's death, that is, imagining it in one's mind, will help relieve the feeling. If you were to die, what kind of death would it be? What would you feel? What would the people around him think? Considering these, where do you feel the emotion in your body?
In addition to these, if the person's functionality is impaired due to a panic attack, it would be more appropriate to meet with a specialist face to face. Hoping it will be informativeā¦
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