Get Help Before Shopping Becomes a Disease!

Research shows that women shop more actively than men, look for more products and visit shop windows. We already know that many men express that they do not like shopping. Unlike men, many women view shopping as a leisure activity, like drinking coffee at a cafe, eating, walking around, or even just taking a walk. Shopping can sometimes be seen as a job rather than such an enjoyable activity; for a clear purpose, such as searching for something needed and finally buying it.

The Action of Purchasing Creates a Feeling of Satisfaction!

While shopping used to mean the fulfillment of needs, in recent years, it has become a problem. It was understood that it also responded to the satisfaction of emotional needs. Therefore, there is also an emotional dimension to the work; because buying something new can give many people a feeling of power that is feel-good and that we do not easily feel in many areas of life. In fact, the satisfaction created by the purchase comes to the forefront rather than the thing bought.

Shopping Relieves Sadness, Not Nervous and Anger!

Many studies have shown that shopping does not relieve anger and anger, but only for the moment. shows that. Nervousness is an emotion most often associated with a sense of control, but sadness is not.

Sorrow can be paired with a loss of control, perhaps even more than many other emotions. Because people who experience sadness are generally more inclined to explain the source of their sadness with others or luck. Therefore, shopping can be used to repair this lost sense of control. Because shopping is an activity that includes many personal choices and therefore personal control, such as where to shop, what store to buy and what to buy.

Winning, Possession Increases Serotonin Levels!

Brain chemistry When we look at it from the point of view of shopping, it is possible to talk about the contribution of serotonin during shopping. That is, insufficient levels of serotonin, also known as the happiness hormone, are matched with depressive moods and it is tried to be raised to normal levels with medical support. able to effect serotonin; for example: daylight, exercise, massage, or thinking about happy moments. At the same time, winning and owning have the same effect. Shopping or giving gifts can serve the same purpose. While the feeling of loss is more prominent in the depressive mood, this feeling is actually reversed by receiving and possessing. For this reason, many people tend to shop when women are bored or feel depressed in the first place. known to be associated with their physical condition. In parallel with the change in estrogen balance, many studies show that women are more rational, logical and controlled in the post-ovulation period, they experience an increase in their impulsive movements, anxiety and feelings of restlessness during ovulation or premenstrual period. It shows that they behave more impulsively and less in control, and this process is also related in the same direction with the behavior of spending more money. How women feel and their sense of self are more closely related to shopping behavior than men, and the importance they attach to this experience is much more than men.

Of course, the influence of menstrual cycles on women's financial behavior cannot be denied. In the premens period, there is a less controlled approach to spending, more impulsive and more spending. At the same time, problems can be experienced in terms of concentration and memory, emotional ups and downs and reactions. In connection with all these, they may exhibit very dysfunctional behaviors regarding money during this period. More often than not, the result can be spending more than planned, feeling out of control, and shopping impulsively without reflection.

When Shopping Has Become the Focus of Life, Danger Bells Started!

Shopping feels good. For us, this can become a vicious circle in itself, the more we become happy and joyful by buying something new, the more we try to repeat the activity that makes us feel happy. or a new desire to do more out of that activity may arise. Here, it is possible to talk about the cyclical effect of serotonin, which we associate with happiness and well-being. In other words, a vicious circle of feeling better by shopping, shopping again because you feel better, and then feeling good again can grip the person. And, of course, the danger of addiction can arise here. or when he does not buy anything, he begins to suffer from serious inner, spiritual distress and begins to suffer from the consequences of all these activities (eg, taking on a debt that is much more than he can pay). Of course, it's also important to think about their meaning. For example, the fact that investments made in appearance are so high and intense and being in a constant "taking" behavior replaces these behaviors on a psychological and spiritual level, and what kind of an effort to fill a "lack", and it is necessary to evaluate all of them on a personal basis. . We attach great importance to clients who come to therapy with these complaints, first of all, to discover the meaning of this process.

Credit Cards Prevent Us from Facing the Reality!

While credit cards delay the pain and distress of paying, they allow us to experience the pleasure of receiving immediately. provides. It enables people to easily borrow money so that they can easily fulfill their purchasing desires. When they use a credit card, they do not face the immediate consequences of the shopping. In fact, gift cards are worse in this sense, because for those who buy these cards, they can create a feeling as if the cards in question are free instead of real money. Just like gambling, excessive card use could not give up one's daily life� If it started to affect negatively in some way, it would be appropriate to receive psychological support in order to regulate one's own internal control balance as well as external control.

How Can Mothers Be the Right Example for Their Children?

Too much shopping It puts too much emphasis on “taking” and “having”. In particular, we may think that people who unwittingly see shopping as a remedy for feelings they cannot cope with may have difficulties in emotion regulation and control of their emotions. In a mother-child couple, the most important skill that can be given to the child psychologically by the mother, and the most basic skill that can be developed starting from infancy, is an emotional regulation in which the child can understand, define and express his/her own feelings.

However, a mother who uses shopping very often In this sense, we can say that he may not be able to help his child. Because this situation can be thought that he has difficulty in regulating his emotions first. Shopping is a behavior, and given its emotional fulfillment, it can mean turning to behavior in the name of coping with emotions. Whereas, what is psychologically healthy is to try to cope by verbalizing and verbalizing emotions. this), when he feels intense emotions, he can put it into action instead of verbalizing it.

It is Possible to Treat Shopping Sickness!

The first concept that we can describe as shopping sickness in the psychiatric literature was first described by Kraepelin as “oniomania” in 1915. , that is, it was defined as buying manic behavior. Today, we can describe the situations that we call impulsive or compulsive shopping as a temporary relief effort for some psychological conditions such as tension or low self-esteem thanks to shopping, as a result of having some uncontrollable desires and desires that push the person towards buying something. We can see that this behavior is mostly in women.

To feel good in depressive mood and to get away from negative mode. they can use it. As a result, guilt and remorse can be experienced due to financial difficulties. Therefore, it is possible to talk about something called shopping sickness. Namely, these behaviors can be a way of coping with feelings that are very heavy and challenging or difficult to control.

Most Patients Are Unhappy But Don't Know Why They Are Unhappy!

Psychotherapy helps make these uncontrollable feelings more manageable. First of all, it is important to put this experience into words. These people often feel an inner emptiness and seek to fill and fill this gap quickly with food or purchases. They often feel unwell about this extreme behavior and want to stop it. In fact, these people need words, not willpower, to feel good about themselves. Of course, after these feelings are put forward, there is the issue of coping and tolerating them. Just like in the overeating behavior, excessive shopping behavior can come to the fore in this version. Although these people can afford it financially, they feel intense shame and regret after eating too much, they don't use the things they have already bought, they stay idle in the cupboards. Here, it is very important what the person feels and thinks before the buying behavior or the eating behavior so that he can establish the emotional connection between them and his behavior. These people often feel a sense of emptiness and sadness. People with eating disorders similarly have difficulties in managing their emotions. This happens not only when they have bad feelings, but also when they have positive feelings; It's like they don't know what to do with a good feeling. They may fear that this good feeling will go away and they will feel worse afterwards, so they drive away these scary thoughts by eating or buying something.

Shopping Sickness Anxiety and D

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