Studies carried out on our brain every day shed light on our Thoughts, Emotions and Behaviors. Understanding our brain with our own brain makes it that much more difficult, but since our lives are determined by our curiosity, I wanted to write a few things for those who are interested.
It is also a magnificent piece of equipment; Considering that there are 100 billion neurons in an adult person and the fact that their connections are of a capacity that we cannot measure with the number system we know (more than the stars in the Galaxy). As it is said in the movie Lucy, we are the owners of a huge information network, but we have almost no access!! And since our ancestral reptilian brain is still active, things get even more complicated. Perhaps we spend our short lives in this huge universe trying to solve this complexity.
Our perception is limited, based on comparison and contrast, we act with our senses, and many of our senses that we have not yet noticed are active. Living in this complex metabolism without being aware of it is actually like handing over a very effective and powerful weapon to a child. That's why all Ancient Teachings, Science, Philosophy, Religion and Psychology actually say the same thing. KNOW YOURSELF. The first condition for this is to be curious about yourself, that's why I said curiosity drives us. Whatever we are curious about, we turn to Him and turn into Him, and He becomes our conversation, our table, our friendships, what we read, what we watch, and it is at the center of our lives.
Psychology is not a science where these are discussed in a romantic way, as is thought. On the contrary, it is a positive science that examines the causes and roots of its formation and makes use of many sciences while examining it. Despite all its complexity, the brain is an organ and it may or may not develop depending on what we work with, and even "THE UNUSED BRAIN IS TAKEN BACK." Therefore, even if happiness is a butterfly that lands on us by itself, we need to activate some centers in our brain. When classifying living creatures with a brain, they are defined as creatures that move, that is, those that can live in the moment; because the movement is in the moment. Movement is necessary for us to be different from a plant, awareness is necessary for us to be different from a turtle. Hoping to be able to live with awareness and educate our Humanoid side that is born to be human.
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