We must accept that restlessness, anxiety and anger, which are thought to be negative, are also natural, as are all emotions. Anger arises when it comes to frustration, anxiety and uneasiness when it comes to uncertainty; Every emotion should be allowed to take place in life, obstacles and unknowns can be encountered in many areas, and the ability to manage these emotions can be developed. Sometimes, and for some people, emotions can be perceived as dangerous, scary things that should be avoided and covered up. “You live with your emotions.”, “You are very emotional.” “You are acting emotionally.” "You're getting very emotional about it." You have come across these phrases often; maybe it was told to you, maybe you to someone else. Although experiencing emotions has a physiological dimension and has a protective function in terms of our psychological health; expression of emotions; can be met with a judgmental, critical attitude. In this case, instead of getting the idea that you are doing something wrong, you can think about the distance of the other party to your emotions or the discomfort you experience from your expression of emotion. The tendency to ignore emotions is to sweep something that exists under the rug; but it is still there. Ignoring, suppressing does not change the emotional reality. Expressing emotions has a protective function for psychological health. The intensity of emotions varies; It first shows its presence with small signals, reaches the highest level on an ascending course, but cannot stay at that intensity continuously and after a while it goes downhill. While experiencing a very intense feeling; The right brain is highly active and physiologically logical thinking and acting may be disabled. Considering this feature of emotions; Emotion management It is very important to be aware of whatever emotion we are experiencing and to control it. In a moment of emotion that is felt at a very high level, there are some steps (indicated below) needed to regulate your emotions and then put them into expression/action. Emotion management is a skill and can be improved.
Functional Steps When You Notice Your Emotion Intensity:
1-Define Your Emotion - Name Your Emotion
2 - Measure the Intensity of Emotion (0-10?)
3-Where Do You Feel Your Emotion in Your Body?
4-Focus on your environment and what you love Discover items of n colors. *Hint: If the emotional intensity is
5 and above, take a deep breath and take a break before taking action.
Providing Emotion Management is not limited to what can be done at that moment. Consolidating your infrastructure requires a constant effort to care and be aware of yourself. I've touched on some tricks to build this solid foundation.
Take care of yourself, your inner child, just like taking care of a baby. Your compassionate and gentle care is the solid foundation of emotion management.
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