Revision Surgery

Revision surgeryis a secondary additional or corrective surgery that can be performed in patients who have undergone surgery due to overweight or metabolic reasons, in case of failure to achieve successful results after surgery, re-emergence of additional diseases, and weight gain again. Before performing these surgeries, it is important to understand why patients' old illnesses reoccur. The reason why most of these diseases reoccur is that patients do not comply with the necessary conditions after surgery. In this case, patients may also fail secondary surgeries. In this regard, support from behavioral therapists and psychiatrists can be obtained. The most important issue when making a decision in patients who do not have these problems is the detailed evaluation of the previous surgery. For this purpose, endoscopy, tomography, and medicated radiographs are performed on patients to try to understand the anatomy of the gastrointestinal system. It is not correct to determine a standard type of surgery for the surgeries performed. Sometimes, during surgery, it is necessary to wait for experienced physicians to decide what would be healthiest for the patient, based on the current situation. It may be appropriate to perform these revision surgeries in one or two sessions. The primary goal should be the safety of the patient.

Gastric band revisions:
The clamp method, which we call gastric band, was a surgery performed in bariatric surgery in the 90s. Reactions and adhesions are common due to a foreign object placed inside. Here, at the beginning of the surgery, the band must first be removed and the continuation of the surgery must be decided according to the evaluation. If it is not deemed safe enough, the patient should first be waited for recovery and the second step surgery should be performed 3-6 months later. Even though sleeve gastrectomy is performed on all our patients in the same session in my own patient group, patients should be informed that it may be required in the second session.

Sleeve gastrectomy revisions:
Although sleeve gastrectomy surgery is not successful, Even if surgery is performed, from time to time, post-operative weight gain occurs again, additional diseases occur again, patients have nutritional problems even after a long time, or the formation of folds in the stomach. Problems such as � may be encountered. These problems are less common after surgeries performed by experienced physicians who closely monitor and treat these issues. If the patient regains weight and additional diseases occur, endoscopy, tomography and passage radiographs should be performed. If an insufficient removal was made in the first surgery and it is understood that the dome part of the stomach was insufficiently removed during the surgery, patients can benefit from the rearrangement of the tube stomach, which we call re-sleeve.

Gastric bypass revisions:< br /> Gastric bypass surgery is a surgery that requires experience in advanced laparoscopy. The patient also needs to be evaluated thoroughly. Here, sleeve gastrectomy can be performed by returning to normal anatomy, and if necessary, conversion can be made to surgeries such as transit bipartition or SADI-S. If there is a problem with the distances of the bypass legs, these distances can be changed and the bypass can be performed again. During the surgery, a decision can be made according to the effects of the previous surgery on the inside of the abdomen, and first a return to normal anatomy can be planned, and then a transit bipartition or SADI-S can be planned depending on the necessity of a second surgery.

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