Life goes by. Every day comes with its own new beauties or new problems. A person will either cope with new problems and prepare for tomorrow, or be crushed by the wheels of life. Every new situation affects the psychological balance (psychological homeostasis) in humans and requires the re-establishment of balance. Different reactions occur in each person depending on whether stressors are temporary or permanent. It is possible to divide them simply into 3 groups:

A-Bodily reactions:fast heartbeat, increased blood pressure, muscle tension, muscle pain, tremors, sweating, fatigue, headache, dizziness. , constipation, indigestion, dry mouth, feeling of lump in the throat…

B-Psychological reactions:anger, sadness, anxiety, restlessness, feeling tension, being fragile, indecisiveness, mental confusion, concentration problems and difficulty remembering…

C-Behavioral reactions: avoidance, withdrawal, harming the environment, self-harm, smoking, drinking alcohol, using substances, stopping eating or Overeating, wandering around restlessly, trying to sleep, lying down, going to the movies, watching TV, surfing channels, surfing the internet, going to the mall, going shopping... Every person reacts differently to stressors. These reactions depend on his personality, his knowledge, his current mental state, his past memories, etc. varies depending on the situation. Some of the reactions are positive, while others deepen the problem

In this article, we; We will discuss the topic 'How can positive steps be taken when facing daily stresses?'.

1-Knowing ourselves: Observe how you feel, what you think, how you behave when you are under stress, and see yourself. Try to get to know it. Keep a record of your behavior during the day.

Etc. Review the topics. Take note of what you think would have been better if you had thought and acted like this, and try to remember this note when similar events occur. Observe your reactions to stress as if you were another person observing from afar and rate them (e.g., how worried I was about a small thing, I gave myself a score out of 10, etc.). As such practices are carried out, the perceived severity of new stresses will decrease.

2-Reviewing automatic thought patterns: Automatic thought patterns carried from childhood to the present, which constitute the components of temperament and push the person to a dead end in the face of stress, In other words, stretch your perspective on life a little and try to think alternatively and multi-dimensionally. “It always happens like this, nothing will get better, you never listen to me, always the same lies” etc. Reduce conversations with all and nothing words. Don't be afraid, there will be no harm to your identity and personality.

3-Time planning: Determine your daily free time, except for the tasks that are mandatory for everyone (eating, sleeping, resting, cleaning, etc.).

4-Improving problem-solving skills:

5-Asking for support: You can share the problem with Ask for support and advice from your relatives, friends and neighbors. Try to reach people who are experts in the subject you will consult.

6-Developing the ability to humor: Try to look at the events from the perspective of jokes and humor, make humor, make jokes, read humor magazines-books, in stressful situations. Bring to mind the memories and jokes you enjoy.

7-Turning to new behaviors:Walking, running, doing sports, gymnastics movements, listening to music, playing a musical instrument, painting, taking up a hobby, growing flowers, keeping pets, praying for the values ​​he believes in, meditating...

8-Trying to be forgiving: Human beings are creatures that live in society and are in constant communication with society. For this reason, just as he can cause discomfort to other people, he can sometimes be disturbed, treated unfairly or insulted by other people. In this case, some people hold a grudge and burn with the fire of revenge. This situation creates tension and stress in him, stress hormones increase in his body, making him prone to diabetes, high blood pressure, muscle pain, decreased body resistance and a number of other physical diseases. For this reason, being forgiving, not making a big deal about small issues, saying "Whatever you are, or I can't deal with you, may God punish you, etc."and throwing the issue in the wastebasket is another way of relaxing.

9-Getting used to sources of stress:Try to live with those problems, find alternatives, take precautions as much as you can, or become insensitive to problems that cannot be overcome, eliminated and are beyond your power(e.g. constant noise from neighbors). incidents of violence in society, lying, theft, fraud, traffic congestion, high cost of living, etc.).

10- Moderate spending: Avoid high amounts of debt, credit Use your card sparingly, borrow money according to your income.

11-Regular nutrition: Despite everything, You should eat a balanced and regular diet and stay away from harmful habits

12-Sleep regularly: Sleep in a comfortable environment to stay calm during the day, maintain the amount of sleep appropriate to your age (e.g. moderate sleep) 6-8 hours a day for the elderly).


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