Improving Intelligence in Children and Youth

(For children and young people between the ages of 7-17)

No child is stupid, unless they have an organic disorder. No child is careless, incompetent or irrational. Every child has creativity and imagination, it is like an unprocessed gem. He starts learning the day he is born... In addition to all these, he learns to be smart, careful, resourceful, creativity and dreaming. But, the element that needs to be learned first is "learning itself."

In our work to protect and develop intelligence and focus;

One of the cornerstones of the child's brain, even the most important, is imagination. . Their imagination is the source of their abilities. However, if it does not undergo a certain education and gain a certain direction, it will perish.

The main quality and power of modern man is thinking and superior creativity in every field. The main goal of the family and society is for their children and young people to reach the highest professional and technical level. There are two main factors to achieve this goal. The first of these is natural intelligence ability, and the second is environmental and educational opportunities.

Intelligence consists of various components such as perceiving, remembering, solving problems, reasoning and making decisions, as well as fine motor ability. The more children and young people exercise these abilities in accordance with their age and intelligence and acquire habits, the more their intelligence develops and matures. Intelligence is not a static measure, it can be improved or decreased if left untouched.

In many developed countries, educational testing tools have been developed to develop various intelligence. The study begins by performing tests appropriate to the child's age. Studies and training continue according to intelligence level.


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