Composition of breast milk
Following the birth of the baby, the levels of estrogen and progesterone hormones in the mother begin to decrease and the body increases the level of the hormone called prolactin, which enables milk production.
The baby is brought to the breast. When touched, under the influence of the oxytocin hormone, breast milk is pushed to the nipple and begins to flow into the child's mouth.
The nutritional content of breast milk varies from mother to mother, from day to day and from feeding to feeding, depending on the stage of milk production. There are three stages of the lactation period.
It is produced as a dark yellowish liquid in the first days of breastfeeding. This milk contains high-value protein, minerals and protective factors (antibodies), protective cells.
Transitional milk
High concentration of protein and minerals after the milk begins to flow. shows a decrease. Energy levels, fat and lactose increase. The transition period lasts approximately two weeks.
Mature milk
Maturity milk is light in color and thin in density. Although there are changes in the structure of mature breast milk during the day and during the breastfeeding period, this stage of milk production is considered the most constant stage and is therefore considered as the reference for the content of breast milk.
The composition of milk during breastfeeding is also considered composition changes;
Fore milk; It is thin and juicy and quenches the baby's thirst. When breastfeeding starts, the first thing that comes is milk and it is low in fat but high in milk sugar (lactose).
Last milk; As breastfeeding continues, the fat content increases and the milk begins to turn into hind milk. It is rich in fat, provides calories for energy and helps the baby's development. As the baby develops, it is important for him to receive hind milk to meet his nutritional needs. One breast should not be switched to the other until it is completely emptied.
Benefits of breast milk
The most natural and correct way to feed a baby is to breastfeed. Breast milk contains all the nutrients babies need for their development. No food or formula can replace breast milk.
It is natural, suitable, at the right temperature and easy for the baby to digest.
It gives the baby immunity against infectious diseases. It is the cheapest vaccine.
Breastfeeding is also a bond between mother and child. It helps create a close relationship that affects the child's spiritual and emotional healthy development. The mother is of great importance in establishing and maintaining both physical and spiritual balance.
The sucking movement of the baby ensures the free circulation of milk-producing hormones in the blood. This not only stimulates the activities of the mammary glands, but also accelerates the return of the uterus to its normal state.
The body of a breastfeeding mother returns to its prenatal size more quickly compared to mothers who do not breastfeed.
It strengthens the mother's bone structure and prevents bone fractures in older ages. It prevents
The risk of developing diabetes is higher in babies who are breastfed less.
Breastfeeding is an art that both the mother and the baby should adopt and learn well.
For this reason, at first, some Even if you encounter setbacks, you must be patient. When the baby is three months old, there may be a slight decrease in breast milk, but if the baby continues to breastfeed, there will be an increase again.
In the first 6 months of his life, your baby does not need any food other than breast milk. Human milk contains all the major nutrients in sufficient amounts.
Preparation for breastfeeding before birth
The expectant mother's body begins to naturally prepare for milk production. . There is no need to do anything special for breast care during pregnancy. Starting from the fourth and fifth months of pregnancy, the breasts become capable of producing milk as the hormone responsible for milk production, called prolactin, begins to be secreted.
Nothing special needs to be done for breast care. However, as the breast tissue grows, it would be appropriate to use a larger size bra that provides the necessary support to the breast and does not squeeze it. Irritating substances such as soap, lotion and alcohol should not be used for breast cleaning. Cleaning should only be done with warm water.
Although truly inverted nipples are not common, mothers with this problem in their nipples are evaluated by an obstetrician and, if necessary, receive treatment in the last three months of pregnancy.
What needs to be done after birth to start and continue breastfeeding effectively
· The baby should be placed naked on the mother's bare chest immediately after birth and the first pacifier will be given as soon as the search reflex begins. Breastfeeding should be ensured.
· The baby should first be allowed to absorb the colostrum without giving any food before breastfeeding, except for medical indications (requirements).
· The baby should be breastfed whenever he wants and as long as he wants, day or night.
· Mother and baby should stay in the same room.
· No other food, including water, should be given to the breastfed baby for the first 4-6 months.
· The baby's sucking reflex is at its best. The strongest moment is 20-30 minutes after birth. If the baby is not breastfed during this period, the sucking reflex will weaken temporarily and this weakening will continue for 1-1.5 days. For this reason, it is very important that the baby is placed on the mother's breast in the first half hour after birth.
Breastfeeding technique
The closest position to you when breastfeeding your baby. adopt it. For the first few days, you may find it comfortable to lie on your side and breastfeed your baby by leaning on your arm.
Later, you will like to breastfeed your baby by sitting on an armchair, resting your back on a soft pillow and your feet on a stool.
Wash your hands with hot water before you start breastfeeding the baby. Clean your nipples. Give the baby one breast first and breastfeed for ten minutes, then give the other breast and breastfeed for another ten minutes. Start the next breastfeeding from the breast that the baby suckled last.
Your baby will receive a significant part of his milk needs in the first few minutes of breastfeeding, but in order for the milk to be formed continuously, the baby must be breastfed from both breasts. Babies instinctively know how to suckle. But in the first days, they may have difficulty finding the nipple. Help the baby by taking the tip of your breast between your thumb and middle finger and putting it into the baby's mouth.
In order to feed well, the baby must open his mouth completely and suckle the breast by grasping not only the nipple but also the entire dark-colored area of the breast with his lips. You can accelerate milk flow by pressing the nipples with your fingertips. When breastfeeding, make sure that your breast does not prevent the baby from breathing.
Usually, when your baby is full, he will decide for himself and let go of your breast. Some babies, especially in the first days when they get tired more easily, prefer to stay at the mother's breast for longer periods of time and avoid skin-to-skin contact with their mothers. They prefer to feel the food and its smell for a longer time. Please do not be alarmed and express your concerns about this issue to your doctor.
If breastfeeding is ineffective; There is a distance between the breast and the baby's cheek and chin, and the baby only holds the nipple. The baby makes many, short-term, fast and superficial sucking movements. The baby is restless because there is not enough milk coming out.
If the baby only sucks the nipple; The nipple is damaged and the mother feels pain in the nipple. Milk coming and making milk cannot be stimulated enough. The baby, who is disappointed because there is no milk, refuses to breastfeed. Although many mothers want to feed their babies with breast milk, they give up breastfeeding because their nipples hurt. For this reason, it is very important to check whether the baby can latch on to the breast correctly at the very beginning of breastfeeding. A child who only sucks the nipple, if given a suitable position, will soon learn to grasp the breast and the pain in the nipple will disappear. However, if this period is prolonged, the mother should be encouraged by telling her to be patient. The baby cries, does not want to take the breast, refuses. The mother feels pain in the nipple.
Breastfeeding frequency
Your baby will breastfeed you when he needs. He will cry when he is hungry and will stop feeding when he has had enough. Babies have very small stomachs, so they only take in as little as they can handle at feeding time. The result is frequency in feeding numbers. In the first few weeks, your newborn baby will need 8 to 12 feedings in a 24-hour period. This means feeding every 2 to 3 hours, and usually 1 to 2 times a night. Your baby needs to rest and digest what he eats between feeding times. This time interval also helps your milk to replenish. After the first month, the frequency of breastfeeding decreases to 6 -7 times a day.
Each breastfeeding is usually approximately 10 -20 minutes. At first, your baby will act a little cheeky (insatiable); but; As it gets full and tired, it will suck more calmly and become stagnant. The best way to see if your baby is getting enough nutrition is to regularly check his/her monthly weight, height and head circumference increase.
Ways to increase breast milk
In the first 6 months, breast milk contains all the nutrients necessary for the baby and also other nutrients. Giving food is unnecessary. Breastfeeding creates the psychosocial environment that ensures the highest level of relationship quality between mother and baby. Infectious diseases are less common in breastfed children. In addition, from the mother's perspective, it has been found that it reduces the possibility of developing breast and ovarian cancer in the mother.
If you want your baby to develop healthy, grow and be protected from diseases in the best way; You should definitely give your baby breast milk, that is, you should not stray away from natural nutrition. In addition, the content of each mother's own milk varies depending on whether her baby is born early, on time or late; After all: every mother's milk is the ideal nutritional source, especially for her child, and no other food can replace it. However, the majority of mothers make a serious mistake. Although the biggest reason for this is due to the excessive love and desire to protect their babies, they end up unintentionally causing great harm to their babies. This misconception is starting complementary foods with the belief that the baby is not full. It should not be forgotten that; Being hungry is not the only reason for crying; there may be many reasons for this. For example; The baby may want to be hugged and loved more, some babies want to suckle the breast just for pleasure, or the baby may have a disease (gas pain, fever, etc.). Please do not decide on your own that your own milk supply is not enough for your baby; you should definitely consult your baby's doctor to make this decision.
Issues You Should Pay Maximum Attention to In order to Provide Enough Milk
You should go to the pediatrician to prepare yourself psychologically for breastfeeding and also for breastfeeding training.
You should definitely breastfeed your baby within the first half hour after birth, without waiting for your milk to come and without giving sugar water.
The baby should be breastfed on demand from the moment it is born. Newborn babies usually want to suck 8-10 meals. The number of meals then gradually decreases. Frequent breastfeeding ensures abundant milk supply.
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