Important Advice for Those Who Want to Lose Weight

Experts point out that those who want to lose weight before the upcoming summer months should make diets consciously, and they also warn that there may be various reasons for not being able to lose weight... Tanoğlu pointed out that people who cannot lose weight suffer from 'emotional hunger'.


Nutrition and Dietetics Department Specialist, dietitian Maria Tanoğlu said in a statement that many people complain of not being able to lose weight or gaining back the weight they lost, and that the underlying reason may be emotional hunger. Tanoğlu pointed out that those who break every diet very quickly, experience a sweet crisis during the day and succumb to it during the day in the regimes that start with determination in the morning, and start to feel hunger in as little as 10 minutes after getting up from the dinner table, may face "emotional hunger" and used the following expressions. ..

We divide the feeling of hunger into two as physiological and emotional. Physiological hunger is the real hunger for the body's energy needs, emotional hunger is the hunger of the brain, not the body. Emotional hunger arises in line with our hormonal changes, which are caused by the triggering of negative emotions, especially due to stress, extreme sadness, anger, feelings of loneliness, and the difficulties of daily life. If you are unable to lose weight, maintain the weight you lose, or have eating attacks, the reason may be emotional hunger. You may be experiencing emotional hunger any time you know your stomach is full but still feel hungry. If you know that you are full with a plate of food under normal conditions, but you ate a plate that day and you are not satisfied, you have come to the point where we call 'attention'. Before you eat the second plate, say 'stop' to yourself and wait for the 20 minutes to be up. Let the brain send the signal of satiety. If you are still hungry after 20 minutes, make sure to drink water first and change the environment you are in, even for 5-10 minutes. You will feel that what you are experiencing is emotional hunger, that your stomach is actually full and satiated. Studies indicate that reasons such as sadness, anger, stress, boredom, and loneliness can lead to emotional hunger

"Only one out of 10 women can finish the diet they started"

Maria Tanoglu, good health Mentioning what needs to be done to lose weight, he said that by accelerating the metabolism, the slimming process can be accelerated. Pointing out that it is necessary to take care to drink as much water as the body needs, Tanoğlu said, "The daily water requirement can be calculated as 30 milliliters per person's weight. For example, the amount of water that an individual who weighs 70 kilograms should drink during the day is about 2,100 milliliters." used the phrases. Tanoğlu advised to take a walk for at least 30 minutes every day, to act regularly and to speed up the metabolism with cures. p>

Emphasizing that maintaining the diet is as important as starting the diet, Tanoğlu continued as follows:

Completing the diet is actually a situation that can be seen in one out of 10 women. We can describe this situation as a psychological war between the brain and the stomach. One of the main reasons for me to study psychology as a minor is to be able to guide my clients well in this process. Because the weight loss process is successful not only with a healthy diet, but also when we can manage the psychological processes of the clients well. One of the steps to make the diet sustainable is to accept that your program is not a diet, but a healthy diet. Therefore, ask your dietitian to arrange lists that can be adapted to daily life. Because as long as you accept the new nutritional model you will adopt and adapt it to your life, you will be successful. As soon as you decide, make an appointment with a dietitian and start the first day you are available. You don't need to wait until Monday to start the diet.

"Dessert cravings during a crisis can be prevented by eating yogurt with fruit and cinnamon added"

Nutrition and Dietetics Department Specialist, Dietitian Tanoğlu reminded that hormones such as serotonin and endorphin, which affect a person's mood, appetite and mood, are found in the brain and intestine, and that a person is depressed and tired in serotonin deficiency, therefore stress, sadness, anger, negative effects caused by the difficulties of daily life. He explained that people experience a feeling of emotional hunger and tend to consume high-calorie products due to hormones whose levels drop during the period of emotions. Stating that people can control these attacks with simple steps, Tanoğlu pointed out that when emotional hunger attacks come, consuming junk food, fast food with plenty of sugar and fatty foods is one of the biggest mistakes made. Tanoğlu made the following recommendations:

Dessert cravings in this type of crisis can be broken by eating yogurt with fruit and cinnamon added. If a person wants to eat a lot, he should eat. Because if the desire to eat cannot be controlled, the stress will increase even more, then food should be eaten by paying attention to portion control. On the other hand, foods that contribute positively to the serotonin level and have natural antidepressant properties will be very useful in such attacks. For example, bananas, strawberries, asparagus, cherry tomatoes, chocolate, potatoes, coconut, yoghurt... The foods that are missed as a result of occasional food attacks increase the success rate in the diet from 100 to 70, but do not reset it. In other words, it should not be thought that 'the diet is over, the diet is completely disrupted', because a meal was scammed. From the next meal, nutrition should be continued in accordance with the nutrition program.

"The person who is hungry should give himself 10 minutes"

Maria Tanoğlu, sweet crisis or excessive He said that when the desire to eat comes, the person should give himself 10 minutes to break this stress. In the meantime, you should drink a glass of water first, then go out and get some air, people who work in the office can focus their attention in another direction by listening to music and relax and get away from stress, while the housewife should leave the kitchen, get away from the environment at that moment, the person should condition himself for the next 10 minutes, During this time, your desire to eat will decrease. One of the most basic ways to overcome the emotional hunger caused by stress is to activate the muscles. As the muscles are activated, the stress is reduced. For this, activities that feel good such as walking, swimming, pilates, yoga can be done.

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