Today, you may have woken up with no sleep, got angry in traffic, been tense with the work you had to do at school or at work during the day, and felt tired at the end of the day. So, is our mood affected only by these situations? Even the answer will make you happy, of course not. Some nutrients found in foods change the chemical composition in our brain; these nutrients are the precursors of Serotonin, which makes us happy. This means that if we correctly consume foods that contain plenty of tryptophan, which helps produce serotonin, the happiness hormone, we will have no reason not to be happy.
The serotonin hormone regulates mood, creates a feeling of calm, and helps reduce hunger and appetite. . When our serotonin levels are low, we feel more aggressive, angry, unhappy and have serious sleep problems. The important point here is that 85-95% of serotonin is produced in the intestine. Therefore, in order to be happy, we must first take good care of our intestines. For the health of our intestines, we should add vegetables, fruits and whole grains containing plenty of fiber to our diet, and get support from probiotics and prebiotics. Additionally, vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, vitamin C, B12, B6 are needed while producing serotonin in our body. However, when adequate and balanced nutrition is not fully achieved, our body becomes deficient in these vitamins and minerals. And as a result, since the serotonin production mechanism cannot function, the serotonin level in the body will decrease and the symptoms listed above will occur. Therefore, our priority should be to ensure adequate and balanced nutrition.
We feel happier, especially when we consume carbohydrate foods, such as desserts, pasta and bread. The reason is that serotonin is produced through carbohydrates. That's why, when we feel stressed or sad, we want to eat chocolate or dessert instead of salad and feel happy. This behavior, which we teach ourselves through the mechanism in our body, only gives us momentary, short-term happiness. Because if we turn this into a behavior, there is a strong possibility of gaining body weight. Body weight gain negatively affects our health. This goal is a situation that will not make us happy in many ways. For this reason, it is very important not to make food choices that make us happy for a short time but will not make us happy in the long run. So, which foods can we increase our happiness hormone by choosing?
The serotonin hormone is secreted through the tryptophan amino acid. For this reason, tryptophan sources are very valuable to us. Foods rich in tryptophan include cheese, eggs, red meat, turkey meat, chicken meat, fatty fish, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, walnuts, oats, bananas, strawberries and dark chocolate. You can make yourself happy by getting the maximum benefit from tryptophan with a correct nutrition program.
Diet That Makes You Happy
Oat bowl:
3 spoons of oatmeal
3 whole walnuts
4-5 tablespoons of probiotic yoghurt
10 strawberries
1 liter of water
1 cup of green tea
6 spoon of whole wheat pasta
90 grams of tuna
Green salad
10-15 pieces raw almonds or hazelnuts
1 small banana or 3 squares of dark chocolate
1 glass of unsweetened coffee
+ 1 liter of water
120 grams of grilled turkey meat
1-2 slices of whole grain brown bread
Green salad
0.5 liters of water
1 glass of kefir
(Snack was made at least 2-3 hours before sleep should be.)
(This is a sample nutrition program, recommended for adults who do not have health problems.)
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