Engin quickly opened the door and rushed into the meeting room. He was the last one to arrive.
The meeting was delayed for a full hour because of him. His partner said "You are late again" and showed Engin the time. The best ideas here come from me and this business makes profit thanks to me, Engin said, getting angry. He said, "I think it's worth it, even if you have to wait an hour or more," and sat down. He presented the commercial scenario he prepared, it was really nice, one of his assistants wanted to point out a point he found missing, according to him, the music he used in the commercial might be repulsive or confusing to people, because the music attracted more attention than the product. With a sarcastic smile on his face, Engin ended the meeting by telling the assistant to keep his thoughts to himself, along with many things that would humiliate him despite his experience in music. When he went home in the evening, his wife welcomed him. His wife was also working, working as a lawyer. As he started to explain a problem he had during the day, he interrupted his wife and accused her of being too emotional and weak. He started acting like he knew more about law than her, talking about how famous he would be if he had pursued this profession and how there would be no case he couldn't win. He didn't like anything his wife said and always criticized him. After silencing his wife in this way, he talked about his achievements that day and how much the people around him admired him. The admiration on his wife's face made him feel very good. When his wife started talking about the award his former partner received this year at dinner, angry words came out of Engin's mouth, he was very angry. He said that she actually stole his ideas, that he got that award by cheating, and that he was actually a failure, and went to his room. He was very angry about the reward his former partner received. He was the best in this regard. Thinking that he had won that award by who knows what tricks he used, he took two sleeping pills and fell asleep.
People with narcissistic personality disorder overestimate and consider themselves superior in physical and spiritual aspects, and constantly seek the approval of other people. They are people who look for attention and approval, believe and expect that they deserve special attention anytime, anywhere. So what's in front of us? How do we know if he is in love with you or with himself? Here are the seven most distinctive features:
1- They always know best.
Whether you are a doctor or a lawyer, even if they do not have this training, they are your expert. He/she will defend an opposing opinion on your subject. They always think they know the best about every subject. They may feel angry at those who oppose their ideas and devalue these people.
2- They are the most beautiful, the most superior, the most intelligent.
Superior, special or unique. They believe that they are unique people and expect others to see them that way, too. They see themselves as more talented than they are and brag about their success. Their self-esteem is always very fragile. They constantly emphasize how well they do and how well they are evaluated by those around them. They constantly feel the need to receive attention and be liked.
3- It creates a very strong first impression, but after a while they return to their essence.
Narcissistic people like and appreciate the people they meet. They may put on a show to make themselves look special by exaggerating all their good qualities and achievements in order to gain praise. However, over time, they cause the people around them to alienate themselves with their selfish side, seeking only praise and intolerance of criticism.
4- They inflate their own ego by seeing others as inferior.
Almost everyone. They see themselves as inferior, but they want everyone to respect them, and they expect to be treated special and appreciated. If they do not receive such a response, they become confused or very angry. For example, they think that they do not have to wait in line, that their own priorities are more important and that others should respect this. Because they believe that they are very special people, they may force them to be given some special privileges.
5- They are reluctant to understand the feelings and needs of others.
These people generally They cannot empathize and have difficulty understanding the wishes and feelings of others and recognizing their subjectivity. They may not even realize that they are hurting other people with what they say. others When they see their needs, desires or emotions, they criticize them and see them as signs of weakness or vulnerability. They may appear emotionally cold and uninterested.
6- They are jealous of others or believe that others are jealous of them.
They feel uncomfortable when other people are more successful or what they have. They think that they are worthy of the success and admiration that others have achieved. They try to devalue their achievements and contributions, and think that they should always be the most envied and envied person.
7- They only make friends with people they find superior.
Because they think they are special and unique, they believe that only socially superior or special people can understand them and that they should be friends with these people. They attribute qualities such as perfect or gifted to the people they associate with, thus strengthening their own self-esteem.
Can narcissistic personality disorder be treated?
The person with narcissistic personality disorder often does not accept his disorder, tries to justify his misbehavior by justifying it and blames the other person. Getting psychotherapy support is something to be despised for narcissists. However, he/she may consider treatment as an option in moments of crisis, that is, in cases of depression that occur when he cannot get what he wants or loses what he has. They want the therapist they apply to like, appreciate and approve of them. If their ego is not fed enough, they may abandon therapy. If a balanced communication with the narcissistic person is ensured in therapy, development in the personality structure can only be achieved.
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