Risks such as bleeding, infection and anesthesia complications, which can occur in every surgery, are also present in aesthetic nose surgeries. However, these complications are rare. Irregular wound healing caused by the patient's own body, thick and oily nasal skin and smoking are factors that negatively affect the results of the surgery.
Additionally, crooked noses are the most difficult noses. There may be some changes in the shape of your nose and a decrease in the elevation of the nose tip in the months after the surgery. Taking this into consideration, the surgery tries to make your nose a little more upturned. These undesirable conditions, which can occur in 5% of patients in the world literature, can be corrected with minor interventions approximately 9 months after the surgery.
The purpose of aesthetic nose surgery is not to provide a perfect or ideal nose, but to provide a more beautiful-looking nose than you have. You should have this surgery for yourself, not for the attention and praise of others. Do not decide on surgery until you fully trust the physician who will perform your surgery.
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