What and to whom do we call family? It actually has a very simple definition, right? We call the smallest group of society, consisting of parents and children, family. So, is there a rule for being a family? Or is it enough to get married and start a family or to live in a house together and have children? In the past, it was enough, today there is more than one family model, as family members, each of us is an individual and exists for the family. we want. It is very important that our values are common values, our moral structure, our religious beliefs, and even knowing our value and dignity as men, women and children, sharing the same table, but being able to catch the same communication frequency, being able to understand the situation, being able to follow the same customs and traditions or respecting and understanding lifestyles, the requirements of being a family. ....I mentioned family and its definition above, while we frequently heard the concepts of extended family and nuclear family a generation ago, today we frequently hear the concept of single-parent family. Individuals who are divorced or whose spouses have passed away and who do not want to remarry or who remarry cannot find a way to establish their new system and establish a family system. or have difficulties raising children alone.
We learn most of our roles and positions within the family from our families who maintain this institution or from our social environment. Our family model, framed by our own personality and perspective on life, is the best model for us. Another The point of view is that it is not easy to transition to a new life when we break up with our partner we started out with by not being able to overcome our problems or when we lose God's will.
Keeping the family system alive in these times when we are socially reconstructing many marriage models. The efforts spent to ensure the peace and happiness of the individual within the family will be reassuring to our clients who will make it easier to solve their problems by rebuilding the systems with family counselors.
Remember that no one can help you other than you, our only duty is to help you find the path that you cannot find in the dark. Creating spaces to breathe …
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