Tooth Decay

Tooth decay has increased in parallel with the development of sugar cane and its products from past to present. Gum diseases, along with tooth decay, are among the most common problems in dentistry. In the past years, tooth loss due to tooth decay and gum diseases was quite high. Because sufficient information and available resources about oral care were limited. In parallel with the developing technology, dentistry has progressed a lot today and it has been concluded that tooth decay and gum diseases are directly related to oral care and eating and drinking habits. However, as far as we have observed, unfortunately, oral and dental care is not provided adequately and effectively. We observe that there are various reasons for this. The fact that oral and dental health is not taken seriously by the family since infancy, attitudes such as 'these teeth are baby teeth and will fall out', and false information, which we call hearsay among the public, keep people away from dental care and going to the dentist. It should not be forgotten that, according to studies, oral flora (bacteria in the mouth) is formed in the first five years after birth and this flora is permanent throughout life. Sugary foods consumed during this period cause harmful bacteria to multiply and settle in the mouth.

One of these false beliefs is that cleaning tartar damages tooth enamel. The deposits on the teeth, called microbial dental plaque, are a layer formed by insufficiently cleaned food residues used by microorganisms. This layer forms spontaneously no matter what is done. Therefore, it is a layer that needs to be cleaned constantly. When it interacts with calcium in saliva, tartar forms and invites gum disease. Gum diseases cause gum recession and tooth loss. Since it is painless until it reaches a certain level, it is not taken seriously by patients. In addition to gum diseases, this plaque also contains microorganism toxins, creating an acidic environment in the mouth. and tooth decay occurs. The only way to protect yourself from these problems is to brush your teeth effectively and continuously starting from infancy, clean the dental interfaces with tools such as dental floss, and not miss the dentist's check-ups every six months. Thus, possible dental problems will be solved at the very beginning.


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