Late Speech

Expert Speech Therapist Yasemin Tekin said, "He is already the father of a child who has not spoken since the age of two. It would be a big mistake to say that his uncle spoke when he was three or four years old and ignore it. "A child who does not speak by the age of two should be taken to a speech therapist immediately because delay may cause both speech difficulty and cognitive retardation in the future," he said. Emphasizing that it causes tension and negative effects on the child, the famous therapist said: "This expectation is unfounded because a process needs to be experienced. However, two years is the determining number. The answer to the question of when exactly do children start talking is at the age of two… Communication is non-verbal in the first months and becomes verbal as the months pass. Babbling begins at 3 months, and practices turn into vocal games at 5 and 6 months. Syllable repetitions such as 'ma-ma, ba-ba, de-de' are seen between the 6th and 10th months. This period is confused by many mothers and fathers with the emergence of real words. In fact, these repetitions are not meaningful words produced by the baby. With their first age, babies begin to use the sounds and stresses of their language as a means of communication. The first words understood by those around them are heard between the 12th and 18th months. However, we also have to take individual differences into consideration during the development period. The sounds a baby makes in a certain month. Syllables and words may not be the same for the other child. In the 18th month, there are meaningless word-like sounds and many single words, which we call jargon speech. At the 24th month, they can make two-word sentences and say approximately fifty words. However, he is expected to understand 200 words.''

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